Digital Photo Frames for Animated LCARS!


Sr Member
Gone but not forgotten.
I just thought of this- does anyone know how fast you can set the "slideshow" function on these things? I just realized you could load one of these up with multiple copies of the same pic with subtle changes between each one and get sort of an animated gif effect! :eek


I'd have to break it up into 2 - 3 small screens, but I think an animated version of this would absolutely ROCK on the dash of my Trans Sport! :lol


Cool idea! I'll do a bit of searching to see what I can dig up.

(I'm surprised nobody's capitalized on this yet.)
Cool idea! I'll do a bit of searching to see what I can dig up.

(I'm surprised nobody's capitalized on this yet.)

Wow, it looks like a lot of these things can run mpegs and sound too! :) There's all kinds of cool things that could be done with these!

Moving "Harry Potter" portraits (after putting them in a more antique-y frame)

LCARS sounds to go with your Okudagrams

Fake mirror effects

Portraits that look like still photos at first, then suddenly "blink" or make faces at the viewer (or better yet, look out of the frame into the room and yell "HEY! HEY YOU!!!") :lol
