I did not know that. You really do learn something every day.
This also makes me think. "How accurate is this ID to a real NYPD ID?"
Anyone know?
Close enough to fool 90% of the public everywhere and 90% of the cops outside of NY.
The real NYPD cards have a very similar layout, but have some tells and there is also some stuff on the back.
One thing, many of the replicas and props look BETTER than the dept. issued cards because the issued cards still have that 80's computer generated look to the fonts...just one level above dot matrix!
NYPD Blue, Law & Order, CSI NY, Die Hard, 3rd Watch, etc. all had pretty realistic looking cards because NY hasn't changed them in decades and it is a pretty simple design.
Most folks may already know this, but most NYPD members carry, wear and display a fake badge. There is a regular supplier of "replica" badges to the real cops so the cops can stash their dept. issued shields in a safe or safety deposit box. The penalty and paperwork is so severe for a lost or stolen dept. issued badge that it is almost pro forma to buy a "secondary" badge within weeks of getting an issued one. The secondary badge is almost identical to the issued one.
In the state of NY, if the ID card has a red background it indicates that the bearer has full police authority and may carry a firearm. Other LEO's without that full authority or are only allowed to carry while working have a different color background.