Dedicated Server

Art Andrews

Community Owner
Community Staff
Hello all. Given the plethora of issues we have had recently and our current hosting service's inability to resolve those issues, we have just signed a deal for a much bigger, much stronger dedicated server at a new host. We hope that this will provide us with all the power we need for a LONG time to come and will provide a much more stable and much faster environment. Our goal is for you to never notice the software or the server speed, for it to be virtually invisible and just always be there for you, chugging away in the background so you can focus on what is important; PROPS!

While the new server will be available to us tomorrow, we don't yet have a switchover timeline. We will let you know as soon as we have more info.
Just a note, the dedicated server is online and we are running some tests now. Hoping to be switched over before Monday!
Wanted to give an update. We have been testing all day and thank goodness for testing. We have run into a number of minor issues that we need to resolve before we make the final move.
Whew!! Last night was "interesting" to say the least! We did successfully get the site over to the new server, but are having a few problems with our ad server. We will be working on that tomorrow, but in the meantime, if you see anything that isn't working properly, please let us know!
Hi guys, well, as most of you probably know, we had a rough start this morning. I wish we had an answer, but at 3:00am PST we were up and at some point after that, things broke again. However, we are up again now. Please let us know if you see any problems.
