Debunking the color of Vaders Lenses for his ANH Helmet


Sr Member
Hi I am starting this thread so we can determine what the actual color of Vaders ANH lenses.I emailed Darth Kahnt, And he said red was the color
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It depends what color red, for ANH the tone of Amber would be more accurate, stay away from what many believe are actually grey lenses.

ANH and ESB/ROTJ are not exactly the same.

Stay away from those nasty blood red lenses and bare in mind the light giving off many of those redish tones is an illusion.
Going off of just that first pic, the reddish color we see could simply be light reflecting of off face skin inside...
The color balance in both the large ANH pictures is incorrect. I'll see about giving you guys a proper one.

yeah, and i can see his face behind those lenses too. so they cant be too dark a shade, or the light must be hittin in a wierd way.
member darthjones claimes to have seen an ANH lens in person, and reported it was amber. He was at ILM for a spell, I believe.
member darthjones claimes to have seen an ANH lens in person, and reported it was amber. He was at ILM for a spell, I believe.

You could always drop Dave Prowse a line at his website. He's pretty good about answering questions about the suit.
when he was in his Tie Fighter at the end, there are a couple of shots which makes the lenses look red IIRC
As red lights are used to light in that scene you can't use it.

As Prowse isn't permanently sunburned, I'm gonna guess no:lol The lenses were at least red-ish, probably for visibility.
So a flushed face doesn't show as red? Guess you haven't worn a helmet and outfit that was hot.

Afaik DarthJones said they were clear lenses with some transparent brown foil heated to the back. Could be wrong about the details, so I think it's better to just ask him.