Davy Jones Mask *UPDATED 12/22*

Re: Davy Jones Mask

Great start!

Do you plan on sculpting the tentacles, or are you going to make them out of something else?
Re: Davy Jones Mask

awesome sculpt so far. i tried to make a davy jones mask once but it didnt turn out to well. i hope you have better luck than me and by the look of your sculpt you will.
Re: Davy Jones Mask

Looks like you are on a fast track to a very accurate looking mask. :) He's one of my favorite characters.........only second to Sparrow.
Re: Davy Jones Mask

It looks really great, you did a very good job! :thumbsup Awesome.^^
Re: Davy Jones Mask

Awesome job so far;
I might also recommend looking at some reference pics of the actor who portrayed him, Bill Nighy.
When you know what he looks like, you can really see his likeness in Davy.
Re: Davy Jones Mask

Really glad to see your using a water based clay. Will you be using gelatin for the whole thing? or perhaps silicone?
Re: Davy Jones Mask

Do you plan on sculpting the tentacles, or are you going to make them out of something else?

They will be sculpted and molded seperately. Then I'll glue each one on.

I might also recommend looking at some reference pics of the actor who portrayed him, Bill Nighy.
When you know what he looks like, you can really see his likeness in Davy.

oh yes, I have looked at many reference pics of Bill and you really do see the likeness. I even had the pleasure of meeting him once:)

Will you be using gelatin for the whole thing? or perhaps silicone?

sadly I'll be using latex because I'm not very experienced as to making a silicone mask. but maybe I'll make another one later on out of silicone
Re: Davy Jones Mask

I am not very experianced at casting or mask-making, but I am a good sculpter and I have wanted to make a Davy Jones mask since the movie came out. I've been designing the prosthetics and even trying to work out the best way to get the tentacles to move around by themselves.

Are you sculpting on your own lifecast?

I will be following this thread eagerly. :thumbsup
Re: Davy Jones Mask

I cant wait to see the final sculpt..

Here is an original 1:1 sculpture bust I own.. Not exact, but I love it

Re: Davy Jones Mask

How long do you think it can possibly take to finish this mask? I don't think it would take a year.
Re: Davy Jones Mask

Alright, after many problems, mishaps, and procrastination I finished the sculpt about 5 min ago :D I think there are some parts that could be more accurate but for a second sculpt it's not too shabby. my camera is charging and I will edit with pics asap :)
Re: Davy Jones Mask

Can't wait to see what the results of the camera charging brings us excited to see views sitting on the edge of my seat, or something like that. :eek
my bloody camera finally charged and here he is. It's a little of a big pic and the "front on" view is at an angle from below
but please look, comments a critism welcomed
It's a great work, especially because it's your second work, but I think you should add more details...
Take a look at this tutorial and take some ideas for your inspiration!:D
Great work so far;)