Darth Vader voice changer for use with/under a full suit?


Active Member
Howdy folks. :D

I was just wondering if there was a commercially available
Darth Vader voice changer, as in something to make one's
voice sound like Darth Vader, that would fit in a helmet, or
anything like that?

I'd imagine it'd be something like the ones used for people
who can't speak - the thing that they hold up to their throat,
but I've really got no clue at all.

Any information would be appreciated.

JS :)
Heh. I know, the VHS case would be hidden in the back or something, but I just had an image of a Vader walking around, carrying a VHS case, muttering about trying to find a Blockbuster.
<div class='quotetop'>(JHVanOphem @ May 14 2006, 04:45 AM) [snapback]1243982[/snapback]</div>
Heh. I know, the VHS case would be hidden in the back or something, but I just had an image of a Vader walking around, carrying a VHS case, muttering about trying to find a Blockbuster.

Your best bet would be to download "Hearth of Empire" trailer and see the 501st guys using one at the hospital if I'm not mistaken..that one was "magical".
<div class='quotetop'>(xmart @ May 14 2006, 11:30 AM) [snapback]1244000[/snapback]</div>
Your best bet would be to download "Hearth of Empire" trailer and see the 501st guys using one at the hospital if I'm not mistaken..that one was "magical".

You mean "Heart of the Empire". ;)

Elijah - VaderFanForever
This is more of a bump than anything. Having just acquired my new Vader suit (complete), I would like to revisit the voice issue. I've got the chest wired for speakes and a rolling loop on the mp3 player. The speakers are hidden under the under robe. They sound quite nice and are loud for the breathing. They have quite nice bass also. I was curious if the Hyperdyne system is still the only thing out there or could someone possibly point me in the direction of a good voice amp that just magnifies the voice. I think doing the voice is imperative while in costume. Children love it and after all, that's why half of us wear this crap. :p

Thanks in advance for any replies.

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(vaderfanforever @ May 15 2006, 09:28 AM) [snapback]1244541[/snapback]</div>
You mean "Heart of the Empire". ;)

No, you mean Heart of an Empire. :rolleyes

That particular Vader is Shawn Sullivan (SL 8569) and he is an excellent Vader -- great character and wonderfully interactive with children.

Thanks for the plug for the film, by the way. :D
Well I heard that Hyperdyne is having supply issues w/ his boards and won't be able to offer the voice kit anymore (this is 2nd hand information, so I could be off). However if you can do a decent impression there are portable voice amplifiers that attach to your belt. They're used for tour guides and medium sized meetings.


This is kind of cool b/c you can hook up an MP3 player and mix the breathing w/ it.
vader speaks for a second in the trailer.

where can i get the whole thing?

i saw 2 troopers i have hung out with. VERY COOL. kinda tear jerkin. but very cool. :thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup
I'm in the same boat. I've been looking for one. I did the waist amp/ipod breathing at Halloween, but I need the voice. A couple little kids were bummed out when I didn't "sound like him"
That is correct, the Vortex 1 unit is now discontinued. It was bound to happen sooner or later. I am trying to get as many units in as I can, but I am pretty much sold out. I may be able to get a handful more, I am still trying right now.

We are planning on doing a Vortex 2 design, depending on customer demand. I anticipated this day, and we have been working on something behind the scenes for some time now. We arent to show anything yet, we are still working with the prototype board.

A proper Vader voice is the most difficult to design IMO, and we dont want to come up short when compared to our V1 unit. We were also planning on having 2 versions, based on demand. One thought was to have a V2 full-blown Vader voice changer (like the V1) and a new low-cost alternative Vader voice changer.

More info as time goes on. For those of you who have a V1 board, it probably just went up in value.
I got Hyperdyne labs vortex. It is in my opinion the best system beond doubt.
All you need to do is to make a pocket on the back of your strap for the chestbox and hide it there.
Run the wires up the mask. I have my speaker mounted in a "sock" under my arm/ robe. The sound comes out GREAT...