Darth Vader reveal figs and prop


Sr Member
It's all about Darth Vader reveal..

1st off, Medicom 1/6 ROTJ reveal AND ROTS reveal. Love the "fresh burnt" head :p

Next one is prop that I have wanted for a long time, full size, wearable ROTJ Darth Vader Reveal helmet. Comes with the full size dome.

Finally is my old school Anakin head with reveal jaw/chin and shoulder armor display. The jaw/chin still needs more pieces to compete, but it's pretty close right now.
congrats, the life size revealed parts look like its been poorly glued on thou
do you have a close up pic of the dental expanders?
it is not a portumac but rather a randy johnson from phoenix?
Originally posted by darth_manu@Mar 9 2006, 12:24 AM
congrats, the life size revealed parts look like its been poorly glued on thou
it is not a portumac but rather a randy johnson from phoenix?

Correct. I've contacted him about it. Hopefully, he will do something about it.
Originally posted by bothanspy+Mar 9 2006, 12:25 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(bothanspy @ Mar 9 2006, 12:25 AM)</div>
@Mar 9 2006, 12:24 AM
congrats, the life size revealed parts look like its been poorly glued on thou
it is not a portumac but rather a randy johnson from phoenix?

Correct. I've contacted him about it. Hopefully, he will do something about it.

how much did it cost you?
I recently decided to get one from portumac for $850 before shipping

I saw the ones from portumac and
after i've seen the pictures of the one from randy and having personally purchased 3 ESB vader helmets off him that was sub par quality (flake marks on dome, bubbles in resin on dome, and what looks like its been painted without primer) I decided to get one from portumac for a little more

if the amount is close, see if you could get a refund
and get a portumac :D
Nice collection ya got there :thumbsup

But it perplexes me as to why there are still ppl sending money to Randy Johnson
from AZ.? :confused

Do you guys even know who he is? Just a hint, he is a "Banned" member of this board ...

And on a side note, he is also "Sithplanet" on E-Bay, among other active alias's :lol

EDIT...interesting...but I don't want to hi-jack Bothan's thread....play on.

BTW, I have one of the Medicom ROTJ Vaders coming.....can't wait. :D
Originally posted by fettpride@Mar 9 2006, 01:18 PM
Nice collection ya got there  :thumbsup

But it perplexes me as to why there are still ppl sending money to Randy Johnson
from AZ.? :confused

Do you guys even know who he is? Just a hint, he is a "Banned" member of this board ...

And on a side note, he is also "Sithplanet" on E-Bay, among other active alias's :lol


Randy hasbeen honest ad has deliver his goods to be as promise, so I don't know the issue here. He is making good on the Vader helmet, and is replacing it. I'll keep everyone posted as to how it turns out.
Originally posted by bothanspy@Mar 10 2006, 12:40 AM
Randy hasbeen honest ad has deliver his goods to be as promise, so I don't know the issue here. He is making good on the Vader helmet, and is replacing it. I'll keep everyone posted as to how it turns out.

Hey bud, I wasn't trying to cause you any grief, seriously. I was just giving you a "Heads-Up" in case you didn't know and you were having problems with him. If you're happy with him, that's all that matters. My apologies.

Now, back to the subject at hand ... your collection.

I've been seriously considering one of the ROTS 12 inch figs, but I haven't seen any close-up pics of the head/dome face on. I am curious about the dome mainly. Is it shaped more like an OT dome, or does it have the "New" style that we've come to recognize with the MR Helmets? Would you be up to taking a couple of close-up shots?

Originally posted by fettpride+Mar 10 2006, 01:17 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(fettpride @ Mar 10 2006, 01:17 AM)</div>
@Mar 10 2006, 12:40 AM
Randy hasbeen honest ad has deliver his goods to be as promise, so I don't know the issue here. He is making good on the Vader helmet, and is replacing it. I'll keep everyone posted as to how it turns out.

Hey bud, I wasn't trying to cause you any grief, seriously. I was just giving you a "Heads-Up" in case you didn't know and you were having problems with him. If you're happy with him, that's all that matters. My apologies.

Now, back to the subject at hand ... your collection.

I've been seriously considering one of the ROTS 12 inch figs, but I haven't seen any close-up pics of the head/dome face on. I am curious about the dome mainly. Is it shaped more like an OT dome, or does it have the "New" style that we've come to recognize with the MR Helmets? Would you be up to taking a couple of close-up shots?


Fettpride, no problem. As stated, I have no issue with Randy. He is now going to refund the cost of the helmet back to me. So, I am square with Randy. Just want to set the record straight.

Now back to "my collection". As far as I can see, they used the same OT helmet on the ROTS figure. I can take some pics of the helmet, no problem.