Darkside501st's Iron Man Mk VII pepakura files - Password in First Post

Re: Darkside501st's Iron Man Mk VII pepakura files **New Xmas present teaser pg.72**

Re: Darkside501st's Iron Man Mk VII pepakura files **Xmas present bottom of pg.71**

Bump .... Continuing the spirit of Christmas I will have a big gift for you all soon:

Man let me say it, you're going far beyond the best expectations of everyone in here...i'm speechless really

i'm sure that your work is going to be a milestone for every modeller or pep artist out there.

just....love it :love
Re: Darkside501st's Iron Man Mk VII pepakura files **New Xmas present teaser pg.72**

Good day Mr. Darkside501st's, how can i have the password im so excited to build my 1st attempt. can i have the password? thanks

Re: Darkside501st's Iron Man Mk VII pepakura files **Xmas present bottom of pg.71**

Bump .... Continuing the spirit of Christmas I will have a big gift for you all soon:



oh darkside. . .this is great for my new mark 7 suit . . .i'm selling my old one for me to make a new one
Re: Darkside501st's Iron Man Mk VII pepakura files **New Xmas present teaser pg.72**

Punches self in face - I just glassed a mark 6 helmet - Looks like I will have a collection of IM buckets....lol
Great work - I am so into this hobby now - Although I do get the random wifey aggro - when spending countless hours cutting/glueing little strips of paper. --lol-- That being said it is a nice feeling when it comes together and you have something to show.
Re: Darkside501st's Iron Man Mk VII pepakura files **New Xmas present teaser pg.72**

Hi Darkside501st,

Thanks again for the password. But after looking at this thread, I've decided to wait till Version 2 comes out. THanks
Re: Darkside501st's Iron Man Mk VII pepakura files **New Xmas present teaser pg.72**

How's the shoulder bell suppose to fit? I got the default settings on it. Is it suppose to sit completely on the shoulder, with a little room? Or kind of snug and hanging off the shoulder?
Re: Darkside501st's Iron Man Mk VII pepakura files **New Xmas present teaser pg.72**

are u gonna give us the new helmet anytime soon!? =X
Re: Darkside501st's Iron Man Mk VII pepakura files **New Xmas present teaser pg.72**

First off - Thank you Darkside501st for the hard work and for sharing your files.

I have a quick question - I'm starting a Mk7 build. Has anyone figured out what pieces NEED to be foam (for manueverability). I wanted to do most of my pieces in fiberglass but I know that some "have to be" foam (i.e: cod, abs, neck piece) but what other pieces do you guys recommend doing in foam as far as legs and arms.

I'm interested in knowing who has done a mixture of both (foam/fibergl) and what changes you feel should be made if any.

I've went back through this post and several others and seen many 'hybrid' suits (suits made w/ foam and fiberglass) but no one has specifically mentioned if they are happy with it or if other pieces of the suit should have been made differently.

Re: Darkside501st's Iron Man Mk VII pepakura files **New Xmas present teaser pg.72**

you can make the abs in fiber glass for mobility : you just have to make an abs flex system
thats why they are separate in the pepakura files
i recommend having a foam neck and that's all everything else would look better in fg !
you should make a WIP thread !
Re: Darkside501st's Iron Man Mk VII pepakura files **New Xmas present teaser pg.72**

got one question... should the lower forearm be scaled 23 if my entire suit is a scale of 23?
Re: Darkside501st's Iron Man Mk VII pepakura files **New Xmas present teaser pg.72**

First off - Thank you Darkside501st for the hard work and for sharing your files.

I have a quick question - I'm starting a Mk7 build. Has anyone figured out what pieces NEED to be foam (for manueverability). I wanted to do most of my pieces in fiberglass but I know that some "have to be" foam (i.e: cod, abs, neck piece) but what other pieces do you guys recommend doing in foam as far as legs and arms.

I'm interested in knowing who has done a mixture of both (foam/fibergl) and what changes you feel should be made if any.

I've went back through this post and several others and seen many 'hybrid' suits (suits made w/ foam and fiberglass) but no one has specifically mentioned if they are happy with it or if other pieces of the suit should have been made differently.


It is really personal preference. You can make flexible parts that look solid with the right materials and techniques. omarbou1 is right about the abs/midsection. I made the model's midsection split into overlapping sections to allow more flexibility. Some people prefer even more free movement which is why some people do their suits completely in foam.

got one question... should the lower forearm be scaled 23 if my entire suit is a scale of 23?

Yes, if it fits you well that way then it should be the same scale or slightly larger scale than the upper forearm.


I am hoping to have the new Mk VII helmet done for you all today. Keep posted. Yes, I am sharing this V2 file with everyone right now. I am only sharing this V2 file. I will not be doing this with any other V2 files. I am only doing this because there was never a V1 helmet.
Re: Darkside501st's Iron Man Mk VII pepakura files **New Xmas present teaser pg.72**


I am hoping to have the new Mk VII helmet done for you all today. Keep posted. Yes, I am sharing this V2 file with everyone right now. I am only sharing this V2 file. I will not be doing this with any other V2 files. I am only doing this because there was never a V1 helmet.

yey! something to work on for today! (felt burnt out of mark 47 commissions now :sick)
Re: Darkside501st's Iron Man Mk VII pepakura files **New Xmas present teaser pg.72**

It is really personal preference. You can make flexible parts that look solid with the right materials and techniques. omarbou1 is right about the abs/midsection. I made the model's midsection split into overlapping sections to allow more flexibility. Some people prefer even more free movement which is why some people do their suits completely in foam.

Yes, if it fits you well that way then it should be the same scale or slightly larger scale than the upper forearm.


I am hoping to have the new Mk VII helmet done for you all today. Keep posted. Yes, I am sharing this V2 file with everyone right now. I am only sharing this V2 file. I will not be doing this with any other V2 files. I am only doing this because there was never a V1 helmet.

awwww wicked i cant wait to start this mike :) will do you proud on it buddy
Re: Darkside501st's Iron Man Mk VII pepakura files **New Xmas present teaser pg.72**

I am hoping to have the new Mk VII helmet done for you all today. Keep posted. Yes, I am sharing this V2 file with everyone right now. I am only sharing this V2 file. I will not be doing this with any other V2 files. I am only doing this because there was never a V1 helmet.

You just made my day Dark! Thank you!
Re: Darkside501st's Iron Man Mk VII pepakura files **New Xmas present teaser pg.72**

just a quick question , will the helmet be in the first post with the other files or just linked up here in your next post :) an agen darkside much love for this :)

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