Dannik Jerriko bust - the Pipe Smoker!


Sr Member
Hey all,

In between projects (like I don't have enough going.) I was commissioned to do a Dannik Jerriko bust. He's the Pipe Smoker from the cantina (for those not up on the oddball LFL names).

The guy wanted it fast, and while researching the character, I noticed that Jerriko was fairly thin with high cheekbones and had a very simillar groove in his right cheek to Peter Cushing's. So, rather than do a new sculpt, I did this over a Cushing bust that I had laying around.

Of course, it's more involved than it sounds :lol

Starting with a blank Cushing casting, I used latex, pros-aide and cotton to reshape his features.

Among the work I did:

Filled in the neck wrinkles
beefed up the chin and lower lip
added the droopy upper eyelids and trimmed out the lower lids
repositioned the ears to stick out a bit more
I filled in the groove between his brows
opened the mouth and rebuilt the upper lip
created the teeth (translucent sculpy rules.)
added chin scars and pock-marks on the cheeks
filled out the cheeks a bit so he is less gaunt

Oh, and I gave him a giant mashed-potato nose.

The hair is hand-laid crepe that went on straight and I curled using a curling iron. It's two different browns mixed together and I dusted it with a darker brown color to settle it all in.

It's not as accurate as I could've done had it been a fresh sculpt, but for working with existing materials, I'm pretty happy with the way it came out (and so is the guy who commissioned it.)

Sadly, this was a one-shot and not something I molded. I may still do a full sculpt of this character and keep one for myself, but for now, this one's off to his new home.

Pics below, including an in progress shot and some reference shots.






Awesome work. You would not even know that it was a Cushing bust to begin with. I love the pipe hanging out of his mouth as well :)
The strangest thing is that, since they filmed Star Wars in England...this is the guys real teeth :)
Originally posted by Jedifyfe@Feb 28 2006, 01:18 AM
The strangest thing is that, since they filmed Star Wars in England...this is the guys real teeth :)
