Custom Riddick Knives (Ulaks) - Need help!


New Member
Hello, I was looking to customize a pair of Ulaks, The duel knives Riddick uses in the movie: The Chronicles of Riddick.

I came across Bobadept's tutorial on the creation of the custom handles, but wanted to try something different. Here is a link to his tutorial:

I found the blades, as well as the X-Acto knife, but what I wanted to do (Instead of attaching the X-Acto blade handles to the knives, like Bobadept) was to cast the handles, then create a mold out of rubber or some other material instead.

I have no experience in casting or custom prop work, nor do I have the materials or tools to do so. I wouldn't know where to look if a casting shop existed in my area, at least not for what I'm looking for.

I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction. Maybe even someone here would be able to tackle this project for me.

Any info or advice would be much appreciated! :D


Nice work, i've still yet to sort mine out. I'm sure they're still lying in a box with the x-acto knives waiting to be converted, I just never have the time! Like your method.
Nice work, i've still yet to sort mine out. I'm sure they're still lying in a box with the x-acto knives waiting to be converted, I just never have the time! Like your method.

Well the images above are not mine of course, I have no experience in prop design. But that is what I'm hoping they'll look like, but made of rubber, or another softer material. At least something that would be used with traditional knives. There aren't many blades that actually have metal grips.
Hello, I know it has been some time since I created this thread, but I now have the blades and am still interested in having the handles modified. Is there anyone here who can help me with that?