Custom ODST helmet made for charity auction

Sean you crazy b******, that helmet is amazing! One of a kind indeed. Lemme tell ya, no on, and I mean no one, can match your craftsmanship, creativity, or imagination. What I wouldn't give for a helmet like that.... Great job, that'll make the person lucky enough to get it very happy.
Wow, thanks! *blushes*

I'm really thrilled that it's doing so well for the Child's Play auction. It's gotten 48 bids, and is up to a respectable price and there's still almost 3 days left. That equals a whole lotta love (and toys) for those kids.

The auction is still going if any of you want to watch it wrap up in the next few days: Child's Play ODST Helmet Auction
Really wish I had the kind of cash to bid on this!!

Has to be the best fan-made ODST lid I've seen. The level of detail and the paintjob really bring it to life. Really like how clean and tight the visor is to the helmet. Very inovative method for the visor transition, going to have to try that in the future. Hmm now I wanna pick up an ODST lid....

Outstanding work!
I just checked out the link, the auction ended about 8 minutes ago. The helmet went for $2,230 USD after a total of 71 bids. Thats gonna make make many children happy. Feel proud Sean, you desreve to.:)
Wow, yes it was!!! Just got back from Philly Comicon to see how this ended up. It's amazing to see how much money this raised for Child's Play! Many thanks to Laird MacLean for hosting the auction, rundown for the pep file that I began with, and everyone that bidded!

BTW to any Halo/Videogame minded folk: Laird will be hosting another auction in the fall and is looking for ideas and donations for auction items. You can find him at Facebook or rvbcanwest's website.
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Sean that is an incredible thing you have done both the build and the cause for which you built it for.

What a great way to help out a charity...someday I hope my skills will be able to help out like you have. definitely deserve a round of applause, a pat on the back, etc....very good job Sean!! Excellent outcome for an excellent cause!!

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