Current state of the Flight of the Navigator ship


Legendary Member
This may be old news to some, but I just learned that the original ship from Flight of the Navigator that once was seen on the Disney MGM Studio backlog tour, is being used in the park. They ruined it and painted it red! Ugh!!!!!

Seeing it wasn’t an official Disney production (as it was made independently and Disney distributed it), they probably don’t see it as important. :(
think of it this way, it lives. It was in the boneyard of Disney/MGM studios for years, and most of that stuff rotted away and was disposed of.
I do prefer that they actually use it in some way than toss it. I would have like it better if they just put the actual ship design on the roof but it's not Tomorrowland themed enough.
think of it this way, it lives. It was in the boneyard of Disney/MGM studios for years, and most of that stuff rotted away and was disposed of.
I know…. Though I would have loved to see them sell it off to a collector for restoration and to preserve the original prop. As it stands, sure it was repurposed to have a second life, but now when they do another update to the park and no longer need that stand, it will be scrapped for sure; no one will ever associate the history of it again.