I have the Battle Damaged T2 Skull....I thought I would be content with the one.....now after seeing your fantastic collection.....I WANT MORE!!!
Thanks for posting!!
Careful, they are like potato chips or pistashios, you can't have just one.I do have the clean Sideshow version coming after I finish paying for it in 3 months. Then, I am done. It is way too hard to chase down the ICONS version and the Timeless Collectibles versions.
They look great. The sideshow battle damaged T-800 is my favorite out of all of them though. The angle of the head makes it look even more sinister. There all dope though.
Careful, they are like potato chips or pistashios, you can't have just one.I do have the clean Sideshow version coming after I finish paying for it in 3 months. Then, I am done. It is way too hard to chase down the ICONS version and the Timeless Collectibles versions.
Oh Hey! I remember you from Sideshow Freaks.. Welcome welcome.
That's one fabulous collectiong you got there!thumbsup:thumbsup
Has anyone told you the "when you join the rpf you have to give one endobust to Thomas" rule here yet?
Well just in case you haven't heard about it... I thought friendly reminder would be appropriate..lol
Keep on collecting man! You're almost there - It's weird Icon terminator heads have appeared on ebay many many times last year and the year before. I dont know where they all went. Keep searching you'll get them soon enough.
But with the addition of the clean version of the endoskull.. You can still call your collection complete (in my opinion). Congrats.