Current price on SPFX ANH Vader painted?


Sr Member
Just wondering what one of these go for in the current market?
I have one that I no longer need and am wondering if it's worth it to sell at this time?

Mods, If this is posted in the wrong area please move. Thanks.

He's been listing them on Ebay pretty regularly lately with a buy it now of $635 and free shipping. Ive watched a few of them end with no bites though. I did also see another person selling their SPFX with a Prowse sig on the inside mask for around $400 in the last month or so.
It's amazing how much the price on Vader helmets has come down over the years.
Yeah... I think $300-$500 is what you can get.

The price reduction in Vader helmets is because of the huge amount of different helmets - you are almost flooded - and the more accurate helmets that people would rather want than the standard offerings - which look great, but really aren't accurate enough - but are not really available.
I can't believe how much I paid for mine and what they are going for now. I feel so bad about my decision to buy when I did. :(