Current best-in-class ST helmets?


Master Member
Was cleaning out my closet and reorganizing my man-cave when I found an old ammo pouch for my Sandtrooper project that fell by the wayside many, many years ago.

So, now that I'm back, I may want to make some progress on this costume. But it's been a while, so I don't know who the major players are in terms of ST helmet sources.

Any scoop (either here or discreetly via PM) would be appreciated.

Thanks! I definitely need to watch that thread closely. I also wonder who's currently making a great "sanitized" version of that ANH helmet.

Again, any thoughts would be appreciated.
No one else? Seriously?

I don't want to name names in a thread without permission, but besides SiMan, are the major players pretty much the same as they were a few years ago?