Coolmodels at it again..recasting


Sr Member
He used a female friend to buy a Last Starfighter gun (which i molded of my screen used original) realised too late it was actually him and ofcoarse he is now selling casts.

I was thinking that a way to get this clown booted of ebay is if we file complaints with ebay for using pictures which are not his. The picture he has on his starfighter gun box and the one of the finished maquis rifle are pictures i have taken myself. I bet a lot of pics he uses are not his own

would this work??
Is he the same guy as that user 'wilcomodels' on ebay? I've seen him selling a couple blatent recasts with the same cheesy 'pictures of the gun on a white piece of paper with black text' looking art. The names are a bit similar too, coolmodels, wilcomodels....

I think that coolmodels guy also recasted your Seburo CX right Marc? Speaking of which did you ever finish the new molds for that?
From another thread i read recently someone previously tried to get him booted off for using their pictures on his boxes, apparently ebay said they would take no action as he was only showing photo's of the boxes and they would only remove listings where he posted the pictures themselves, not photo's of their photo's.
spike unless you are certain he has done something wrong please be careful
one of the two of you may wind up in a bad spot
just my own personal observations
spike unless you are certain he has done something wrong please be careful
one of the two of you may wind up in a bad spot
just my own personal observations

It's not like we're talking about some kind of minute detail here, it's a blatent recast, right down to the markings on the frame which by the way, are fictionalized by Marushin so it's not like they just used the same refrences. There are a ton of other tells, like the texture on the grip. The most obvious is the black tube that runs down the center of the grip. In the marushin that's the tube that holds the gas as it's a Gas Airsoft.

Here is a comparison of the real deal vs. the wilcomodels recast.

I would love to shut down this SOB. He's been selling recasts of my grapple for two years now and using one of my pics on the box.

What really cheeses me off, is every time I try to list one, WB has my auction shut down. I have reported his auctions to WB and they do nothing! Not sure how that works.:angry
Unless I've misunderstood the unwritten rules of recasting, airsoft guns and denix guns are not considered bad sport. Like at all. Wilco makes a solid casting of the working denix Mares laig as well.

It's when someone has created a model from scratch, blood sweat and tears, all thier own work, put together a killer kit that no one else ever offered, sold it in good faith, and then some one drops it in silicon and starts selling thier own kits.

Solid castings of airsoft guns, denix mausers and lemats, and even some of the posieden anime gun kits from Japan have been cast by members and on ebay, and I for one do not consider that "recasting" just casting.
Unless I've misunderstood the unwritten rules of recasting, airsoft guns and denix guns are not considered bad sport. Like at all. Wilco makes a solid casting of the working denix Mares laig as well.

It's when someone has created a model from scratch, blood sweat and tears, all thier own work, put together a killer kit that no one else ever offered, sold it in good faith, and then some one drops it in silicon and starts selling thier own kits.

Solid castings of airsoft guns, denix mausers and lemats, and even some of the posieden anime gun kits from Japan have been cast by members and on ebay, and I for one do not consider that "recasting" just casting.

I see. Sorry, I tend to get confused on the whole subject of when it is and isn't okay to be a recaster. I guess so long as your not pissing off anyone you personaly know, then it's ok.

By the way, the Marushin Mateba was created from scratch based on the gun used in the TV series 'Ghost in the Shell'. It was a Limited Edition item.
These situations are easy to deal with.

You find out what city they live in....then hire someone to visit them.

Remember..a FRIENDLY visit. The effect is the same.

Works every time....
Also, seeing as how Posieiden doesn't sell to the US, I don't see as how the anime guns are recast.
Also, seeing as how Posieiden doesn't sell to the US, I don't see as how the anime guns are recast.

That only makes them slightly more difficult to get but regardless I wasen't even talking about Poseidon.

I just don't quite get the logic that it's OK to recast companies selling replicas not but other people that you know.
That only makes them slightly more difficult to get but regardless I wasen't even talking about Poseidon.

I just don't quite get the logic that it's OK to recast companies selling replicas not but other people that you know.

Me either, nobody would think it ok to cast eFX SW helmets for example, if you want to cast a gun i think you should cast a real one not someones replica, because it's the cheaper option i would guess is the motivation.
Me either, nobody would think it ok to cast eFX SW helmets for example, if you want to cast a gun i think you should cast a real one not someones replica, because it's the cheaper option i would guess is the motivation.
EFX is a member here.

And as far as i know, the rules are "Dont recast a members work or items".

Also dont re recast someones castings of a members work...
EFX is a member here.

And as far as i know, the rules are "Dont recast a members work or items".

Also dont re recast someones castings of a members work...

Ok well nobody would think it fine to recast a companies replica props who are not a member here, by nobody i should point out i actually mean nobody with any ethics.

And ethics aren't governed by RPF rules.