CONSTANTINE: The Trefoil Necklace -finished-


Sr Member
Me and some others were talking about this one for some time in a thread in the Junkyard. There is the licensed version, which is far from accurate.

So, i decided to tackle this one and use some of my recently aquired skills to see if i could make a better version.

Last night i finished the prototype. Been working on it during the etching sessions of the lighters as i like to make the best of my time.

The pendant is made off brass and really small in size, about an inch in diameter. It is more timeconsuming than i thought i'd be. It takes about 6 hour to make one of these and it is really easy to make a mistake along the way, rendering your work useless (trust me, the one below is the fourth one and only good one i made :) )

the trefoil is done out of 3 identical electroetched pieces. They were cut out/filed,sanded and polished. Then they were hardsoldered. They need to be done this way as it is a woven piece as you can see. The ring was milled on my mill.

the ring is brass too and also hardsoldered. then the piece was nickleplated and goldplated. to finish it blue paint was put in the groove.

There are some things i need to tweak, but overall i am pretty happy with it.

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Re: CONSTANTINE: The Trefoil Necklace -prototype done-

Finally got my necklace components and finished 2 of the necklace for desperado.

they don't look like symbols to me, more like marks left when they added the blue stuff. Looks like they used some sort of blue clay and the marks are the result of pressing it in. I chose to use paint to give it a more permanent finish
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they don't look like symbols to me, more like marks left when they added the blue stuff. Looks like they used some sort of blue clay and the marks are the result of pressing it in. I chose to use paint to give it a more permanent finish

One more piece I'd like to add to my son's Constantine collection...are these available, if so how much???
Hey Marc, i have a question on you... i am from Bavaria in Germany and i want to buy one of your creation " Necklace".

How much you want for it??

i am really interesstet !
Re: CONSTANTINE: The Trefoil Necklace -prototype done-

This is very cool I was wondering how you determined that there was blue on the circle. I am working on one and can't seem to find a good picture of the original.

I don't know how you made it so tiny.
