Constantine Shotgun Shell

Jack Bauer

Sr Member
Well here it is. The screen used Constantine Shotgun Shell. This puppy is NICE.

Real Gold Plated. Empty (of course). THis thing is very pretty to look at. The detail is amazing. I wonder what this thing would go for on Ebay. LOL :p

I apologize that my Camera sucks. Can't get any really nice close-ups. I am not a huge Constantine fan or anything. I liked the movie. But I was able to score this because it was so pretty. Now just to figure out what to DO with it.

Originally posted by Jack Bauer@Nov 24 2005, 12:00 AM
*shows off awesome prop that I don't/won't have*

On a more serious note: WOWZ. Awesome find.
ooooooooooooohhhhhhh... nice..... I loved the movie and the props, If you ever decide to sell it or offer copies, make me the first on your list to contact about it.


Neat piece. All of the detailing on it is cool. Shame that it was seen so little on screen. Still, great find.
I think I can get more but they might cost me like $50-$100 a peice.

They ARE real gold plated and etched after all. The one I have is screen used. These others probably aren't.
Sorry to bump, but where did you get a hold of this piece? I'd be interested in buying one...not a big fan on replicas, but if it's all there is, then thats fine. Believe you said something of selling yours on ebay? ;)
I gotta be honest, I don't evr remember seeing them in the movie...and I own it. :confused
Originally posted by Funky Jedi+Jan 15 2006, 06:23 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Funky Jedi @ Jan 15 2006, 06:23 PM)</div>
I gotta be honest, I don't evr remember seeing them in the movie...and I own it.  :confused
@Jan 15 2006, 06:34 PM
It is a neat little piece though,
but i too dont remember it

You guys don't remember the scene after Constantine uses Papa Midnight's chair, where Midnight, Constantine, & Chaz are having a conversation, while Chaz is busy loading the ammunition?

Re-watch imo. ;)
I just got the shotgun, than procedded to rip it apart and redo it...(drilling the chamber etc etc) and would really love to get some for my display. Can you aquire some more?
I'm pretty sure there's one on Ebay, been there for a while. Of course its most likely a different one.
Birdie is sending me some of the correct shells soon as they are impossible to get over here in the Netherlands. Once i have them i can do the graphics for the shells and will probably have them engraved with a cnc mill. Then i just need to have the bullets made and plate the things. Most likely a really limted and one time only run
Ooh do you think you may just do an empty shell casing option? I wouldn't mind that either but add me to your interest list either way.
Birdie is sending me some of the correct shells soon as they are impossible to get over here in the Netherlands. Once i have them i can do the graphics for the shells and will probably have them engraved with a cnc mill. Then i just need to have the bullets made and plate the things. Most likely a really limted and one time only run

While you're at it you should whip up the Holy Shotgun to display them in :rolleyes