Comic Based Iron Man Extremis Helmet


New Member
I've been working on a comic-based Iron Man helmet for the last few weeks. I'm getting close to finishing the clay work, but I'm worried about moving on to the molding process. I'm planning on sealing it with some Krylon, and then using a 2 part urethane rubber and cab-o-sil to build the actual mold. I've researched as much as I could find, but I've never worked with a thickened urethane before. Any tips or comments would be appreciated.

I swear, the last one is just off center and not horribly out of proportion.
:coolVery cool! I downloaded the complete series off of I-Tunes a few weeks ago. So wild to see someone taking on the project here(y)thumbsup

Sorry, no tips to offer...but I am certain someone here can help you complete this:)
Thanks for the comments :). I decided to bite the bullet and move forward with making the mold. It's my first time working with the cab-o-sil, but so far it seems to be working as advertised. I'm probably going to make a small batch tonight of super thick polyurethane for the eyes and cheeks, as my previous mixtures haven't really stayed put as much as I would like.
one word my friend....AMAZING.......please tell me your going to do a run of these as i desperately want one

keep up the good work and more importantly.....keep us posted
Thanks for the compliment. I'm currently working on the fiberglass mother mold. Hopefully I'll be casting in a week or so. As for doing a run, I don't know how successful that would be. I built this using a foam cast of my own head which is, honestly, kinda small. It could work as a display piece, sure, but as for wearing it, it would only fit certain people.
if you send me the dimensions of your head ill see if i want one as i have a smallish head aswell
Just pulled the first cast from the mold last night. There were some "issues" at the seam, but overall I'm pretty happy. I'll post up some pics soon. It was also my first time using gel coat, and I think I'm in love. :love Don't tell my wife, but I'm going to pick up a gallon of it today.
Looks great. Refreshing to see some one sculpting and not another pep project. I hope you make some of these available in the junkyard, I wouldn't mind having one.
So here are a few progress pics. I did two casts, one in neutral, one in white. It worked out that the back of one and the front of the other were the best, so I decided to use those, and discard the others. The big victory here is IT ACTUALLY FITS. Tight, but who cares.

I'm not too happy with how it turned out, and hopefully that's just my skill, and not massive flaws in the mold itself. Either way, I'll be attacking from two fronts. I'll try some different techniques/materials in the cast, and also start working on making the casts I did get as perfect as possible with bondo, fiberglass, and sanding. Worst case scenario is I make a mold of the perfected castings.

fantastic work... im going to put a link to this on my facebook page its that good :D

pleeeeeeeaaaaaaassssseeeee do a run
I have the 12" MArvel Icons Extremis armor and I think its one of the more interesting helmets in recent years.