Clone Wars "For Hevy" Decal


New Member
Does anyone have a good screen cap of the "For Hevy" Decal on Five's and Echo's armor in the "ARC Trooper" Episode from this season of the "Clone Wars" cartoons?

Here is what I've found so far, but none are straight on. It is on Five's right should in the first 3 pics and on Echo's Left thigh on the last pic.

Star Wars Clone Wars Screencaps: Click image to close this window
Star Wars Clone Wars Screencaps: Click image to close this window
Star Wars Clone Wars Screencaps: Click image to close this window
Star Wars Clone Wars Screencaps: Click image to close this window
Echo, same decal;

Try a grabbing a high resolution screen shot of this same frame;

Here's Cole Farr with his recently 501st approved stylized version of the clone trooper Echo, with same decal;


Be well,
Re: Echo, same decal;

Thanks Thomas.

The Photo's of Col Farr's armor is a big help for reference.

I don't have an HD copy of the show, so if someone could do an HD screen cap of the above pic it would be appreciated.
I don't want to sound like a duche but, if you want a more accurate paint job for the text you should download "Aurek-Besh" font.
Just thought since yours is currently saying "forheavy" and it's a little messy.
Sorry for being "that-guy"
otherwise really nice! and I can honestly say that I can't do better myself.
