Clone Undersuit


Well-Known Member
Is there a photo reference album for the clones because my search abilities seem to not turn any up. I'm trying to find evidence that the live action clones use different undersuits than Rogue One stormtroopers. The undersuit in Adam Savages video looks like stormtrooper undersuit to me, and as far as I know, clones have always been depicted with the ribbing going perpendicular to stormtrooper undersuits.

Here are some examples including the new sideshow figures that are based off of the Kenobi show.


501st-legion-clone-trooper_star (1).jpg

latest (1).jpg
A cheapo way to go about at least the torso would be to get a ribbed turtleneck sweater. Have no idea how to go about the legs though. Leggings made out of ribbed sweaters? There are ribbed leggings for women, but depending on the guy, they may not work for all body types nor may be available.
A cheapo way to go about at least the torso would be to get a ribbed turtleneck sweater. Have no idea how to go about the legs though. Leggings made out of ribbed sweaters? There are ribbed leggings for women, but depending on the guy, they may not work for all body types nor may be available.
I found these on Etsy, which seem like a great start,
but I'm specifically looking for evidence of what was used in live action. I already have a stormtrooper undersuit like the one in Adam's video so if its actually what they used, I'm set, but I'm hoping they stayed consistent to the previous renditions.
I've never seen any of the new Star Wars shows, so I wouldn't know what they looked like. My reference only goes back to the CG renditions of the Clones. I bet what you already have more than suffices.
From what I can remember of the video, the ribbed sections were floating between the white armour separate from the skin suit.
Like a full body glove.

I doubt the ribbing would be seperate, more layers would be more heat on the actors. R1 tk have a onepiece suit with likely separate neck gaskets. here are stormtrooper examples with a comparison to what was seen in the Tested video.

imperialboots/keeptrooping undersuit

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There's something very heroic, maybe even sexy, about the Clone phase 3 armor in reality. I do wish it had some of that hand-made quality to it; some asymmetry and wonkiness just to give it life. I might just do a custom sculpt one day just to make it happen.
There's something very heroic, maybe even sexy, about the Clone phase 3 armor in reality. I do wish it had some of that hand-made quality to it; some asymmetry and wonkiness just to give it life. I might just do a custom sculpt one day just to make it happen.
Theres something about the symmetry that makes sense to me, Manufactured clones, armor made by none humans. makes more sense to me. If I want a bit of asymmetry, stormtroopers will always be there. If I want more, Vader ANH. It all there where I want it.

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