clear coat question


Well-Known Member
I'm about to clear coat my sidious v2 but I had some questions about doing so.

First I'll lightly wash it with dawn and let it air dry. Now as far as spraying it down I'm not sure how to go about it. I'm going to be using Tamiya Clear, how thick of a layer should I put down at one time? Should I just dust it with fine layes? Should I get a good solid but not thick layer on? Can I paint one side then flip it over and cover the other? Shoud I suspend it in the air?

Thanks for any help.
it depends on the paint and also the climate. If the paint dries fast and the temperature is about 75 then you can go with a glossy yet thin coat. If its a slower drying paint that will sag then dust it. Dont think the small droplets will affect the surface and be tempted to over spray.

Do a test on a similar surface to get a idea of the paints reaction to both gravity as well as how well it combines when multiple layers are dusted on.