[Classic] Battlestar Galactica Costuming club

Mieal Deneb

New Member
Calling all Classice BSG fans! If you have, or want to have a BSG costume and want to "troop" events with us, you need to check out the talk over at the Blackstar Squadron!

Yesterday (5-16-09) I was at Motor City Comic Con and saw a cylon who said he got his suit from the RPF....we desperately want Cylons to shoot at..er...to join our costuming group, so PLEASE check it out!!
Very cool! We were intending to have our group be all inclusive, but if the Cylons are already forming, maybe it'll become a 501st/bad guys - Rebel Legion/good guys sort of thing. At this point, anyone is welcome to join Blackstar Squadron.
Blackstar is turning out great! Too funny that the Colonials and the Cylons began organizing completely separate at around the same time! :lol
Tried to register but it kept saying invalid user name :(
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Everyone who has registered has been approved,

Apollo, are you registering with Apollo as a screen name? I'll look into why you can't seem to register.

Drop me a PM here and I'll get you set up.

And the group is starting to shape up nicely!
Calling all Classice BSG fans! If you have, or want to have a BSG costume and want to "troop" events with us, you need to check out the talk over at the Blackstar Squadron!

Yesterday (5-16-09) I was at Motor City Comic Con and saw a cylon who said he got his suit from the RPF....we desperately want Cylons to shoot at..er...to join our costuming group, so PLEASE check it out!!

That was me. I did pick up a used suit here off the RPF a while back. Didn't you recognize me? I know you've seen me before. I was one of the very first 501st members in Michigan and changed into that costume in the 501st changing area. Guess you didn't recognize my latest outfit. ;) :lol
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I have an original series uniform made by Kathy Pillsbury
that I will be offering in the junkyard soon.

Keep a look out

Im waiting TK mando why did you not tell me about this lol...

I have the boots, now I need the rest LMAO.
I have a screen worn first season uniform and Warriors jacket and boots and gloves. i also have kent mccords uniform from G80. Plus an original Cylon costume with the skirt intact and a metal mouth (heat sink ) on the helmet.

Holy smokes! Yeah, I'm entirely jealous of your collection! I think I missed my chance to get hold of a screen used Warrior outfit. I'm not giving up on tracking down a jacket.

Glad to have you all on board!
Made by Kathy Pillsbury of K&M Designs
The uniform I have has the following
Holster with belt (no Blaster)
Dress Cape
Dress belt
Boots 11 or 12 in size (black)
Viper pilot leg data board
Viper pilot helmet with lights (vacuum formed made by Marco Ent. back in the day) signed by Richard Hatch

I will post pics and price in the Junk Yard ASAP
