Cinematic Titanic


Master Member

I saw 'em in Princeton last night. I haven't laughed that hard or that much in FAR too long. If they come to your town, go see. They've still got it. Actually, they are even better now than they use to be.

One bit of fair warning. The first hour of the show was sort of their "open mic" bit for themselves. Funny, but no riffing at all, and with a few slow spots.
I went to see them in York, PA last night and loved it. The best part was hearing Trace and Joel's voices riffing again, although everyone was great. Even that J Elvis Weinstein guy. I wasn't a fan of his Tom Servo, but he was very funny last night. I couldn't resist the urge and went in costume.

Glad they seem to have drifted away from the studio produced discs and are focussing on the live shows. I felt the stuff set on that satelite or whatever it was supposed to be wasn't anywhere near as funny as what Mike, Kevin, and Bill were producing over at Legend at the same time, although CTs decison to keep tackling awful Z-grade films made me happier than Rifftrax's going for the cash and doing nothiing but blockbusters. The CT live stuff is absolutely HYSTERICAL though - they really, really shine with a live audience. And, yeah, I wasn't a fan of J Elvis' Servo, but he's matured into a great comic.
I felt the stuff set on that satelite or whatever it was supposed to be wasn't anywhere near as funny as what Mike, Kevin, and Bill were producing over at Legend at the same time, although CTs decison to keep tackling awful Z-grade films made me happier than Rifftrax's going for the cash and doing nothiing but blockbusters.

The Rifftrax Live shows(done in a theater and broadcast via satellite) are not blockbusters. They also stick with the worst movies are are hilarious. Also check out The Film Crew. I found them on Netflix, and it's Mike, Bill and Kevin doing the same thing, with a loose concept. They're working for some large company and their job is to make commentary tracks for crappy movies.
MST3K/The Film Crew - Hollywood After Dark - YouTube
Oh, I've got the entire catalog of all three (CT, FC, and Rifftrax) :) A the time CT started I don't think there'd been any Rifftrax live shows or the VoD releases yet - it was all big-name releases pretty much. Ghost House this week!