Changing lenses on a Vader CA helmet?


Well-Known Member
As most of you know, i recently got a nice Vader CA helmet.
I am in the process of making it as accurate as possible and would like to know if the lenses on it needs to be changed.
I noticed that there is a slight lip around each eye socket from the insides of the helmet. What do you guys do if the lenses need to be replaced?
You can either trim and sand out the lip or fill it in, your choice.

I would recommend the trim and sand methid because you have to paint filler once you are done.
The DP CA has 'outside fitting' lenses, thus the lip. A one-piece, inside fit lense looks better IMO, but if you didn't want to dremel away the 'lip' and repaint you could also just replace the lenses with a new pair of outside fitting ones and leave the lip as is.

Lenseman is a good person to get your new lenses from - he makes either inside fit or ourside fit lenses especially for the CA helmet.


Lenseman is the best but good luck getting a hold of him its been 2 weeks since i payed...(update) i just got them well worth the wait. :D
If you feel comfortable doing it, I'd recommend dremelling out the lip and fitting the helmet with inside mounted lenses. I was amazed how much better it looked and Lenseman's lenses were a huuuuge improvement for looks and vision.

I couldn't see squat out of my CA last year on Halloween, I put a set of Lenseman's lenses in mine and it's a world of differance.
I too use a CA for trooping. I really like it because it is light to wear. As it is rght now, my lenses are on the outside of the facemask like it came originally. However, when I have the time, I am going to cut the lip out and place the lneses on the inside like they should be. It make a world of difference in the actual look of the helmet when this is done. I would recommend Lensman as well for your lense purchasing, but it does take a while for him to respond.

Elijah - VaderFanForEver
Thanks for the replies folks.
Actually i do not intend on trooping with it.
The CA helmet is going to be a display piece and will slowly develop into a life size bust which i plan to work on in the future.
Other than having a better vision when wearing it, what other pros are there in changing into a Lenseman lense?
Is it more accurate looking from the outside? The color, curvature.. etc?

BTW, i have a set of metal tusks coming in. How did you guys extract the resin ones that were originally on your CAs?
Originally posted by Prometheus@Apr 17 2006, 12:27 AM
BTW, i have a set of metal tusks coming in. How did you guys extract the resin ones that were originally on your CAs?
You could cut them with a dremel. You could also do as the GT packaging recommends and set a utility knife on the edge of the tusk and strike down or just grab it with a pair of pliers and twist. The tusks are glued in and do snap off nicely, but require cleanup afterwards.

I snapped mine.
Originally posted by Qui-Gonzalez@Apr 17 2006, 06:06 AM
...set a utility knife on the edge of the tusk and strike down...

Take your utility knife, strike it down with all of your anger, and your journey towards the Dark Side will be complete. :lol

I'm sorry, when I read that, that line immediately came to mind. It's a lot funnier if you visualize it. BTW, Just got me a set of lenseman lenses on Friday. Very nice.
Well guys, i received a reply to my query from Lenseman. Now my question is, what color lense should it be for Vader ESB helmet?
I remember ANH version has either red or amber lense. But how about ESB?