I just received one of the cheap(ish) unofficial fob watch replicas and was pleasantly supplied by the quality, so thought I'd let you know.
Slightly smaller than the actual prop and the same size as the official Masters fob that is available most places. That is where the similarity ends, this watch is very well made, the fittings are tight and firm and the case is made from a more robust and heavier material that doesn't have that tinny feel of the official version and the lid click solidly into place with no movement at all. The engravings are very deep and sharp, unlike the Masters version, and the back has a more accurate design too. This is meant to resemble the Doctors version and does not light up. All in all, this watch is vastly better made than the official. Why oh why can't they produce stuff like this. It is a great display or carry piece.
Anyway, a picture tells a thousand words....
Slightly smaller than the actual prop and the same size as the official Masters fob that is available most places. That is where the similarity ends, this watch is very well made, the fittings are tight and firm and the case is made from a more robust and heavier material that doesn't have that tinny feel of the official version and the lid click solidly into place with no movement at all. The engravings are very deep and sharp, unlike the Masters version, and the back has a more accurate design too. This is meant to resemble the Doctors version and does not light up. All in all, this watch is vastly better made than the official. Why oh why can't they produce stuff like this. It is a great display or carry piece.
Anyway, a picture tells a thousand words....