Chain mail leads

Ull Dar Borealis

Well-Known Member

anyone got any leads on who makes chain mail after a set of Gladiator Arms or something like a 1/2 welders shirt

and yes i have done the google thing:lol
I've heard good things a about 'Ring Lord Chainmaile'

I concur- I make my own chain mail for fighting in, and use this company exclusively. You can find affordable pieces on evil-bay, but they are absolute crap, made as one full piece, where you really want 3- one body piece, two sleeves, or the sleeves will never look right with your arms at your sides, not to mention being much less comfortable.

If you plan on wearing it all day, give serious thought to something like a moving blanket material to make a padded pull-over to wear under it- you'll be glad you did, especially if you go with steel, on account of the weight, and aluminum needs to be kept off your skin, or it will turn your skin black and nasty looking. For aluminum, at 1/3 the weight of steel, a sweatshirt or hoody pullover (depending on if you want a chain head covering or not) will work fine, and not be too warm for indoor wear.