CFO JRX concept McQuarrie Vader helmet.


Sr Member
I thought I'd just put it out there that I know own the master and am currently moulding it again for production.
We received the master from Derek at Phoenix props who originally was going to take on this project with permission to mould and cast it. Not having the time to do it due to other project Derek sold it to me and we are now in process of moulding it.

We have done some remedial work to the the master which we feel will improve the quality of the shape and castings. Other than some tweaks here and there it's pretty much original.

Here are some pics of how we received it the some of the work we have done.

Some warping on the master dome needed reworking.

A new lens as we lost one.

New dome mould.

First dome cast.

Minor Faceplate clean up

Faceplate moulding.

That's it for now. Stay tuned. :cool
Awesome to see these are getting a new lease on life!
I can confirm these scrub up real nice ;)

I have a self confessed love and obsession with this helmet design and costume, so I know I'm going to love this thread!

(Ignore the bad lighting, makes my lid look grey)
Pending the right price I would possibly be interested as well! This version of the helmet has always been more menacing and definitely more Sith like. I love it!
I am a lover of the McQuarrie designs and am in the process of putting together the McQuarrie concept stormtrooper costume. This would be a great addition to the collection and I would be intrested depending on the price.
Thanks for you comments peeps. Keep them coming.
We will be doing a run. When the time comes which will be soon I'll post an interest thread up in the junkyard.

I truly love the design and still regret letting mine go (but I had to because of limited display space)

But it´s funny that back the days, when Jesper did his initial run, only a handful of people were interested in these.
The few times one of the JRX DV helmets came up FS in the JY, it took quite an effort to move them (including mine). NOW it seems, that these are going to be a selling hit :)

Best of luck for the run!
Just got this posted from Jesper on the Propden...:

... like it ??? ... I LOVE IT

I would really like to get a Kit to finish for myself, as I never ever owned a copy of that Helmet.
All copies were sold and the old mold was unuseable before I could get a copy for me, so I only
had the unpainted Original sculpt on the shelf for years until I had to let it go a little while ago.
I'm really glad it went into such caring and experienced hands, and I'm very happy it will live on.

Take care everybody - cheers & greetings ... sometimes I miss this hobby ... sometimes :rolleyes

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