Casting off production made pieces , cool or not?


Sr Member
just wanting to know the general consensus. If you own a screen used or production made prop and want to recast it for other forum members benefit , ie as a trade is that ok ? or will you be branded a dirty recaster for all eternity?
just wanting to know the general consensus. If you own a screen used or production made prop and want to recast it for other forum members benefit , ie as a trade is that ok ? or will you be branded a dirty recaster for all eternity?
I think the consensus here is when in doubt, don't. If you know who the prop maker is and can contact him, I'd strongly advise you to get his consent. He's very likely under a non-disclosure agreement and castings of his work popping up all over the place could potentially get him in trouble with the studio and/or his employer, even if he did nothing wrong. At the very least, it would just be proper and ethical to ask if he would give his blessing in exchange for a fee or percentage of your sales, or perhaps he may want a few castings to sell and make some extra cash, because we all know how rich these artisans are...

Just my 2c

Ok for example if someone does a run of helmets that are "cast from a screen used" or a set of armor that was cast from the inside of a "screen used" is that ok? its not something i'd thought about until another member saw my collection and suggested some forum members may want this stuff. It was all pulled from the bin at fox studios. like i said before i just want the general consensus and am not offering anything. i appreciate any feedback.
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But if you own the prop, isnt that ok?

How come its ok to recast original trooper armour for example?
Well seeing I'm only new to the hobby, I think casting original screen used is ok, isn't it? But if it's a cast of the original and you want to recast that, then that's a na na..
Anything cast off screen used original or production made, it is not only fine, but highly encouraged.
In fact, some people exclusively collect cast off/derived from original pieces.

As long as it is you who obtained/introduced that original item into the hobby populace.
Those 'hobby rights' stay with you unless you transfer/grant them to someone else.

If someone recasts your recast from that original item without your permission, that is the bad kind of 'recasting'.

*If you obtain a casting where it's origins are somewhat questionable, do some research here first before deciding whether or not it is okay. Ask around publicly so lots of others can see. Better safe than sorry.

In my opinion, if the original creator is part of this community but performed this work for either a studio or defunct licensee, then it is open season.
Honor amongst thieves code offers recast protection to members of the community because they have no legal recourse or any real world rights, whereas the studios or licensees do.

Just be mindful and extremely cautious in regards to who things are shared with, as not everyone subscribes to the honor amongst thieves code. Otherwise you may see your item recast and spread around faster than you can say scumbag.

Casting a screen used or production made original is considered CASTING and not REcasting and it's fine here. In fact, I'd say it's encouraged.
All of us here are striving to replicate original props and there's nothing better than cast from screen used.

A screen used or production made casting is a first generation prop.
RECASTING is copying a second generation prop cast by someone else or a replica that you did not make yourself.
thats my point exactly. Everyone wants something to be screen accurate.

The only way to acquire something screen accurate is to either buy the screen-used piece or obtain a casting of said piece; screen-used items have limited availability so the latter would be the most reasonable alternative. The ill feelings associated with re-casting is when fan-based recreations (including castings of screen-used items) are recast themselves; this includes 2nd generation castings off of screen-used props when the 1st generation casting is the only connection the caster has in connection with the original prop (and, does not have the original owner's blessing to recast).

Besides, the fact that someone who owns a screen-used prop is kind enough to consider his fellow collectors is admirable and I highly doubt ill feelings would result. An additional bit of input: if you decide to cast and offer up copies, you may want to limit distribution to places like the RPF, otherwise, you may see a few 2nd, 3rd, 4th... 23rd generation recasts on eBay. :confused
Now the question has been answered, what are you offering?


This has gone from a bannable offence to an encouraged practice in less than an hour. Gino after seeing your amazing work i value your input and will go with that. Hopefully not resulting in prop court. i would prefer people pm me at first rather than just advertising everything. i have no intention of using ebay. to give you an idea various stunt sabres with blades from the original supplier. Blasters etc , set pieces / greeblies
Casting a screen used or production made original is considered CASTING and not REcasting and it's fine here. In fact, I'd say it's encouraged.
All of us here are striving to replicate original props and there's nothing better than cast from screen used.

A screen used or production made casting is a first generation prop.
RECASTING is copying a second generation prop cast by someone else or a replica that you did not make yourself.

Quoted above is pretty much the consensus here at the RPF. If you notice, some of the posts stating a bannable offense are from new members who are not aware of how we do things around here, 'yet'.

It's mainly frowned upon when you cast another members hand-made prop, or original prop that they bought and cast to make available to the community, which makes it a "recast", and then a bannable offense.

Just remember, like it was stated before, this is a community that has an 'honor amongst thieves' code, since everything we're casting to sell is unlicensed, but are making available since no other company is offering it for sale through a license. The runs are always small, since the demand and market is small, and not worth dishing out thousands of dollars for a license.
My list of acceptable that I go by:

Cast off Screen Used - good (unless there are accurate licensed equivalents of same quality)
Cast off Licensed1 (no longer produced items) - not so good, but still not bad.
Cast off Licensed2 (still in production) - bad (as who wants a copy when you can get a real one?)
Cast off a private individuals original work or cast from screen used offering (recast) - bad (I wanna grind somebody to a pulp fiction bad)

Anyone are free to disagree and I know some do. Some want all recasting stopped, even cast from screen used casting, others want a free-for all. With all recasting stopped, even cast from screen used... for most props, especially helmets, you'd be left with licensed wares and fan interpretations. With the free-for-all... cast from screen used will stop appearing as there would be no point in risking damaging an authentic or screen used prop if the greedy, needy masses just accepts that effort to be recast.

Since this whole hobby is pretty much illegal... it is the hobby that decides the rules for how illegal we wish to go.
My list of acceptable that I go by:

Anyone are free to disagree and I know some do. Some want all recasting stopped, even cast from screen used casting, others want a free-for all. With all recasting stopped, even cast from screen used... for most props, especially helmets, you'd be left with licensed wares and fan interpretations. With the free-for-all... cast from screen used will stop appearing as there would be no point in risking damaging an authentic or screen used prop if the greedy, needy masses just accepts that effort to be recast.

Since this whole hobby is pretty much illegal... it is the hobby that decides the rules for how illegal we wish to go.

Very Well said for sure . Why would you want casting from screen used stopped. Is it those who are in the business to make money in licensed wares I'm guessing ?
Very Well said for sure . Why would you want casting from screen used stopped. Is it those who are in the business to make money in licensed wares I'm guessing ?
No... it is sometimes people who collect the original pieces, who'd like their investment to not be diminished by castings made available. I can understand they POV, but on the other hand, for most of the pieces that are cast from screen used (the ones I know) are of items where the original won't ever decrease in value, but actually INCREASES because of the cast from screen used pieces being available - such as Star Wars helmets - as the awareness of the piece reaches so many more people from discussions of the copies as well as the original, than if they hadn't been there. Can't comment on the rest as I'm not into those things and don't know enough to comment.

Also, purists (and no, it is not meant as an insult) don't tolerate any form of recasting, be it cast from screen used or from a fan made prop or sculpt - either to keep things simple, or because their morals dictate it. Nothing wrong with that.

Cast from screen used brings fans so much more than fan interpretations and licensed pieces. It is impossible to describe what it feels like to get something that is cast off something like that - the closest you'll get to owning the real piece and far above anything licensed, as they are more into servicing the general public who'd rather want idealized than the crappy looking prop look.
As long as it is you who obtained/introduced that original item into the hobby populace.
Those 'hobby rights' stay with you unless you transfer/grant them to someone else.


Nothing personal to you GINO since I know you are merley stating a fact, but the faux morality of the RPF makes me **** myself when I see things like this written with a straight face.