Sr Member
ok guys i am a Tactical Paramedic and i Teach for a company here in San antonio called Master Train. we are desiging a life like and very realistic dummy, that can be intubated and cpr done on, but we want the skin to be like real skin, flexable and viable, a droopy and floppy tounge and so on. i have taken apart a few CPR and intubation dummies and i am looking for someone who wants to undergo casting the head and internal body parts with the ability to attach them. they need to look and feal real. we will also want down the road, the skeleton cast and the head and jaw to be on realistic hinges, also the neck to be free moving when you pick up the dummy... this is a paid project, if you think you can do it and do it well, let me know, and this is the begining, so this will work out for a while...