Captain Jack, vortex manipulator (Torchwood Dr. Who)


Master Member
Here are pics of the prototype for the long debated will it ever get off the ground project. Well, it won't, at least not by me. I've got it up on the bay right now, as I don't have the time to make them, don't have the skill for molding and casting, and could not find a partner to do that casting for me. The leather guy has not been in contact for months, etc. etc., so she's looking for a new home, never to have siblings. :lol
The band is not perfect, but as close as I could get.





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Re: Captain Jack, vortex manipulator

please please please excuse me for being ignorant. I see "Captain Jack" and think Jack Sparrow...... but this has (obvioulsly) nothing to do with JS. So what IS this and WHO is Capt. Jack? I think I might not be alone here. I have a feeling many of the ppl that have at least looked at this thread thought "Jack Sparrow vortex? Did hyperdyne create a sound generator that makes you sound like Depp doing Sparrow!?"

It looks cool and I LOVE people that create their own stuff from scratch.

*****in what ever it is.
Re: Captain Jack, vortex manipulator

Captain Jack form Torchwood, Doctor Who fame! Sorry. Header edited to be more specific!
Re: Captain Jack, vortex manipulator

Did hyperdyne create a sound generator that makes you sound like Depp doing Sparrow!?"
I think I'd actually buy that. :) Maybe have a switch to sound like Keith Richards as well.

But the Capt jack he's referring to is a character originated on Doctor Who who then got his own show Torchwood.

The prop allowed him to teleport.
Re: Captain Jack, vortex manipulator

Captain Jack Harkness


Doctor Who. You're missing out.

NMR, sorry to see you're not going through with this, but I completely understand about just not being able to continue with a project. Happens to the best of us, but great work nonetheless. :thumbsup
Yes, only one. That is the master from which moulds would have been made. It's been on the back shelf for so long, it's just time to let it go.
I might be interested in it if it doesn't sell on eBay for some reason. I have a friend who does leather work who might be able to help make everything else for me.
I'm just starting to learn leather-working and was thinking this would be a great fun thing to make. I seem to recall the electronics came from a watch or a phone or something, right? If you have any blueprints or a pattern for the leather part you'd be willing to share, I'd love to give this project a try. It would be great to just make a functioning watch that looked like that as well.
I'm just starting to learn leather-working and was thinking this would be a great fun thing to make. I seem to recall the electronics came from a watch or a phone or something, right? If you have any blueprints or a pattern for the leather part you'd be willing to share, I'd love to give this project a try. It would be great to just make a functioning watch that looked like that as well.

The big round button was from a cellphone.