Captain Hammer


Well-Known Member
This is for anyone who's a Whedonite that has seen Dr. Horrible already, I'm thinking of doing the Captain Hammer costume, since it's pretty low-key. First, need to find someone to do the accurate shirt graphic, since the one offered on JINX seems to be missing the ring around the logo. Second, an identification of the gloves he wears. Welding maybe?


Incorrect JINX logo:

Here's a few more grabs, all showing the outer ring around the logo:



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That doesn't seems like a ring around the logo, but the "excess" of the transfert/printing...
But indeed the logo you posted looks very inaccurate...:)
Those look like a possibility, I'd just have to see how the cuff opens, to see if/how it's attached. ALthough $80 is a bit higher than I was looking to spend for a pair of [costume] gloves... Thanks!
I was waiting to see how long it was before I saw someone do this one, Marty :lol

The logo shouldn't be that hard... its just getting a one-off screenprint that would be.
I was waiting to see how long it was before I saw someone do this one, Marty :lol

The logo shouldn't be that hard... its just getting a one-off screenprint that would be.

Yeah, I figured I'd jump on this one right away, since I already own (good enough) OD BDU's and the boots from my SG-1 costume. That and there's a con coming up at the end of August near me that I should have enough time to throw this together for.

The hammer handle on the real one is alot longer than on that graphic to.

I agree, and it looks like the real graphic is also slightly rotated a bit more CCW, at least it looks that way to me.

By the way, I am in cahoots with someone to possibly get the shirt made :love
So can anyone who's not colorblind blue me in to what color his shirt is? Looks like a really dark red/ almost black to me. But then again, colorblind here :p
those are def motorctcle gloves. I have a pair. It looks like they might have changed the buckle a little bit, but not sure if that matetrs.
Shirt could be a faded black or a very dark grey-ish navy blue... But I think it's SUPPOSED to be black...:unsure
So to get a double check on this, would everyone say the pants are a dark green, and the belt is brown?
Grey pants (as I can see in the first pic) and a dark green belt (if not black... But I'm not sure on that...:unsure)
Hmm, if the pants are grey I might have to get a new pair. And I'm going to go with black for the belt, since I already have one in that style (wear it every day :p)
The shirt looks dark grey. I would say faded black, but the color looks too even to be faded. It almost looks like microfiber.

The pants are dark grey, with a little bit of a browner tint than the shirt.
I'm not a big costumer, but I'd love to do this one. Pretty easy and cheap, other than the gloves. I would so be in if someone did a run of accurate shirts!