Capn Jack's Back - Official POTC - On Stranger Tides Theater Trailer

I'm so excited for this! I feel like I was one of the few people who thoroughly enjoyed all the secod and third movies, so I wasn't left with a bitter taste in my mouth for this one.
Ditto to that, this one looks pretty cool. Love that the Pearl is still the Pearl, just . . .stranger.
Am I seeing 'Curse of the Black Pearl' skeleton crew memebrs in that trailer, as well as Norington?
Another fan of all three Pirates of the Caribbean films here; really looking forward to this one as well. Initially I was concerned when I found out Gore Verbinski wouldn't be at the helm on this film but, from what I've seen so far, it looks like Rob Marshall has done a fine job of capturing the spirit and "feel" of the previous films.
I've seen this trailer quite a few times already. Is it safe to say that the clip of all the pirates trying to jump off the ship and getting grabbed by the ship's lines when the "curse" takes effect?
Ok I was just wondering, I thought it followed the trilogy in a timeline but then people were talking about seeing what they thought was the "Curse" of the Black Pearl taking hold of the pirates and that threw me off. Either way it doesn't matter the movie will still be awesome.