Can anyone ID this toy?


Well-Known Member
At least I assume it's a toy... it certainly looks like one.
This is from a 1982 production filmed in the US and Canada.

Alas, no - These are the best pics I have found.
Looks to be about 5" long, maybe 3" high. Limbs definitely pivot at the hip & shoulder.
Probably spray-painted over the original colour.

I'm fairly certain it's not a Zoid. It's not angular enough and doesn't have those pivot things at the joints. I'd expect it to be from some action figure range, kinda like Battle Cat in He-Man or something.
Almost looks like a BeastWars Wolfang, but that's not that old.. hard to see details in the pic.
Still searching.
Very unlikely to have been a BeastWars one. It would have definitely been available pre-May 1983.

It's also definitely supposed to be a wolf of some kind.

I get the impression the eyes may have been sparkly coloured plastic, or maybe even have lit up. I doubt it was definitely not all silvery chrome to begin with.

Have I managed to stump people, then?
whats the context of the toy? where did you get the picture from, and what was the picture apart of originally a movie(on a kids shelf in a movie, if so what kind of character was the kid)?

so far, i think it might be an ljn dungeons and dragons toy. but, i wouldnt bet any money on it. i need a little more information.
Sorry I can't help to ID the item in question, but I'm pretty darn sure this is from the movie Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone .
This is a screen-cap from Spacehunter.

The wolf thing isn't in any way a feature of the film, aside from appearing for a brief moment.
the more i look at it the more it looks like a wolf, unfortunately i cant figure out where it came from, because it looks too big to be in heman, also because it looks like the legs can move, and there were not large wolves for any heman character to ride.

not to mention the sculpting looks too detailed to be a heman toy.

id bet its one of a kind to the movie.
The film did make use of common (in 1982) things which were crudely disguised, if at all.
One of the futuristic guns was an airsoft weapon, with the Japanese text stickers still on it!

Whatever this is, it's probably about the same size as Battle-Cat. I seriously doubt it was particular to the film, as it doesn't do anything yet it has very obvious articulated limbs.
battle cat is a static toy. you'd have to think of a toyline relatively close to heman, and there werent many around at the time, or before that, much less with the detail that that toy has.
Looks like some kind of angry ram to me with curly horns rather than a wolf...

Only thing that comes to mind is a range of toys that was available in the 80's that were fairly large (about that size) hollow figures with basic articulation that could then be split in half and there was another figure inside it - possibly some kind of Transformer or derivative there of. Can't for the life of me remember what they were called though....
Alas, they were late 80s.

I'm certain that this is a wolf, simply because the main character is called 'Wolff' and it's his vehicle this is in.
It looks so familiar, but it could just as easily be from a minor toy range.

I really have no clues here.
Can anyone help?