Calling out Nicksdad PPG deal gone bad-RESOLVED 12/3/10

Re: Calling out Nicksdad PPG deal gone bad

Terry, sorry you got dragged into this. I haven't responded earlier because I was getting a mods perspective on this issue. Bottom line, yes I did make a good faith deal with Lowell for a ppg kit as long as it was one of Terry's kits directly off of his original. I had contacted Terry earlier and he said he was long sold out and didn't have any available. Lowell assured me it was one of Terry's and sent it. When I got it I noticed it looked different from the kit I had of Terry's a few years earlier but was already working with the machinest and decided to contact Terry about it a little later. I sent the kit to Terry and he said it was not one of his but appeared to be a recast as the mold lines didn't even match up. Terry had some reject parts he sent to me so I could continue my machining. I noticed when I got the original kit back and his parts how much smaller some of Lowell's parts were. Now, I'm not sure where Lowell got this kit but I do know he did get some from Terry. And that is where I am at now. Gotta run to dinner now. Lowell, I'll call you in a few days.
Re: Calling out Nicksdad PPG deal gone bad

Well since it's out in the public, pictures might go a long way...

I hear a lot of he said they said, from where I stand as someone not involved it was a good faith deal by BOTH parties to start with and then one started to question the deal...

This all appears to revolve around the parts being recast or not, what we do have is both sides admitting that Eyes Only at one time did purchase said original castings, and we have one side now saying they 'appear' to not be legit...

I would like to point out that resin shrinkage alone is hardly proof of recasting, I have have parts taken from the same mold poured by myself at different times exhibit different degrees of shrinkage, especially if different brand resins are used or the age of the resin even seems to effect the shrinkage ratio...
Re: Calling out Nicksdad PPG deal gone bad

Oh my god you just admitted I did get them from Starbuc.

Now, I'm not sure where Lowell got this kit but I do know he did get some from Terry. And that is where I am at now.

what more is there to say! The ones I got from Starbuc are exactly one of the ones I sent you. Period.

You got what you asked for then refused to send me what was owed me.

Gotta run to dinner now. Lowell, I'll call you in a few days.

Now you want to call me when somebody calls you out on the floor? I've been trying to contact you since the beginning of the year to get what was owed me, you stopped returning anything to me since June of this year.

06-07-2010, 05:22 PM
Sorry man, your stuff is set aside and I need to get on it.

04-18-2010, 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by Nicksdad
Hi Lowell,
I said I will be sending you the parts, I'll try and step it up.

You've had more than enough ample time to get me what you obviously owe me since you said you were going to send it.
Re: Calling out Nicksdad PPG deal gone bad

And that is where I am at now. Gotta run to dinner now. Lowell, I'll call you in a few days.

and just an update for anybody wondering, Nicksdad failed again to make good on yet another promise by failing to call like he said he would. Yet another deflection tactic on his part.
Re: Calling out Nicksdad PPG deal gone bad

Were is my popcorn?... Ive met Gary in person dealt with him, And been a guest in his house. Gary is a stand up honest guy.. If your parts weren't up to par with his old kit. Then really its up to him if you get your freebie or not. He says the kit you sent him was not a match to his original kit and appeared to be a recast... If you got your original kit back that's pretty much the end of the line.. This smear thread look's like you didn't get your freebie, and now your pissed. Gary obviously didn't use what you sent him as his primary reference if it was used at all. Due to how off it was form the original.
Re: Calling out Nicksdad PPG deal gone bad

There is what you COULD DO,...and...what ya SHOULD Do.

Could you justify NOT sending Lowell a Gun because unbenownst to him it wasnt what he thought it was? I guess.

The right thing to do? Keep your end of the deal. Send Lowell what was promised.

Have him pay for the ALUMINUM if it makes everyone feel better.

You will get more folks admirin' ya for what DID do (send him a gun for crying out loud), vs what you justified as you COULD DO (not send him anything).

Otherwise, in the future, anyone doing any kind of deal with either one of you is going to need a lawyer to check the fine print.

My two going public..ya asked for it!

Re: Calling out Nicksdad PPG deal gone bad

Just an update here. I talked to Gary on the phone last week and things were straightened out. Gary kept his end of the deal and sent me back my original kit I lent him for study as well as a machined copy as per the deal.

So this situation is resolved.

Re: Calling out Nicksdad PPG deal gone bad

Just an update here. I talked to Gary on the phone last week and things were straightened out. Gary kept his end of the deal and sent me back my original kit I lent him for study as well as a machined copy as per the deal.

So this situation is resolved.

:thumbsup Glad to hear things worked out, thanks for updating us on the situation.
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