Calling all Watchmen Fans

Ohh this i want to do...

In fabric or rubber?? Both? Damn... This is sweet.

The night owl, and the HAPPY GUY!
I just saw this on my movie news site of choice and headed over here to link it, but you beat me to it.

The Night Owl looks crazy awesome. I feel they all capture the comic versions very well too without looking cheesy.
Hm, the suits look a little bit overdone, too much going on there with all those patterns etc. But maybe that is because they wanted to emphasize the difference between the silver age costumes and the modern age costumes.

Zack Snyder has said in interviews that just like Moore and Gibbons approached the GN as a deconstruction of comic book heroes, Snyder was going to use the film to deconstruct the Superhero film costumes, note the nipples on Ozzie's costume.

Looks like this promo shot has the Comedian using a

Also, for anyone (Hermes, TMP, etc.) who is planning to recreate these-- please note: These pics havebeen so heavily photoshopped that none of them can be used as an actual color reference. They have been so desaturated that there is no way to go back in and restore the actual colors using these images.


Folks who have actually seen thesecostumesin personsay that Ozzie's costume is migh lighter and paler, almost toward the pastel range. His cape is a regal purple and velvety. Word is that Ozzie's costume has no black at all.

Nite-Owl's is like a mocha brown, not gray at all as shown in the pictures.
Nite Owl

P.S. For anyone familiar with the graphic novel, they will get kick out of the fact that the most prominent feature in the center of the new Dark Nite costume is a ZIPPER.
I really like the costumes. I'm especially pleased that they didn't mess around Rorschach. I can't wait to see the moving black fields.


No, I mean SERIOUSLY, I did not expect that departure from the comic books!

That Nite Owl II Suit is something that a DavidYR1 could do, for he works with latex, and though I can sculpt fairly well, I haven´t tackled something so big in scope and detail-oriented. THAT is a challenge. Chris, do you have any other insider´s information other than the color?

I mean, we haven´t seen Dan´s boots or anything, or the back of the costume at all. I´m going to study what to do here.

On to the hunt we go!

in a way its like the designers have thought, this is a movie about superheroes in the real world, so we'll at all the superhero movies that have been made, and make the costumes in the style that people would expect them to look.

some look good, like the comedian, but not so keen on nite owl or ozymandias (however its spelt) also i'm guessing that these pics are of the watchmen in there younger days, hence the lack of a scar on the comedian or a beergut on nite owl.
That Nite Owl II Suit is something that a DavidYR1 could do, for he works with latex, and though I can sculpt fairly well, I haven´t tackled something so big in scope and detail-oriented. THAT is a challenge. Chris, do you have any other insider´s information other than the color?

Unfortunately, I have turned up no other helpful information at all. All journalists who have visited the set and all who have seen untouched photos are under strict orders from WB not to kiss and tell. Filming has just wrapped and they will be in post-production for the next year.
They're looking good. Not quite sure about Ozymandias' costume yet, but considering he swanned around in a gold leotard with a purple toga in the comic, anything's an improvement! It may look better in motion too.

Silk Spectre's costume has a whole The Incredibles vibe to it.

I do have to wonder, is that a shot of NiteOwl II as he is during the present of the movie, or him Back In The Day?

Be seeing you,

Magnus Darcrider
I do have to wonder, is that a shot of NiteOwl II as he is during the present of the movie, or him Back In The Day?

I would hope Zack Snyder would make it as different (between past and present) as they did in the comic, but I don't know. I just wish they would have gone a little more faithful to the GN:


How easy it would have been.
Watchmen Suits Up has posted images of the suits next to scans from the comics:

The Comedian looks a little plastic, but I chalked that up to the lighting. I loved the way his teeth looked yellowish, but I am sure that is probably more a result of the photoshopping or the special lighting that made his left forearm look so strange on my monitor. I wondered if he was that buff or if they used some kind of prosthetics on his forearms, until I looked at the other results of the lighting and the photoshopping. I didn't mind the use of the grenade launcher. I think the Comedian will look fine on screen with the proper lighting.

Silk Spectre II rocked. They nailed it. A perfect satire of the modern comic book female. All prior comparisions to extant characters apply. Moore always said he wanted to do more to flesh out this character, and I think the designers are really on to something with this new look. I'm glad the kept the cheesy S hooks, and I hope they keep the cheesy choker. It's all a part of the archetype and the commentary on women in comic books. Of course she couldn't fight crime in high heels, that's the point; the men who draw women for fanboys treat women as objects and put them in rediculous attire.

Rorschach will be fun to see on the big screen-- if they pull off the animation of his mask. I always kind of imagined it would be just a little bit shiny. If it had a bit of a sheen, I could really imagine liquid under there squishing around, but all of the photos released thus far show it with a really dull surface. No biggie, I am a pretty negative Nellie who finds something wrong with everything, and if that is the only thing I can find wrong with Rorschach-- that means they really NAILED IT.


My hopeful demeanor really drooped a bit when I saw Ozzie. My worst fear was that they would go all Anakin with him. DD's pastel reassurances really help quite a bit with him, but I would have liked to have seen more cloth on the guy. I LOVE the nipple addition; it tells me Snyder really understands what Moore was trying to do with his archetypes and pop culture commentary and it hearkens back to ancient armor.

I still can't get used to that new cowl for Nite Owl II.


The goggles aren't "Devo" enough.


Oh well, since filming has already wrapped, I guess we'll just have to settle for this new Dark Nite in "Nite Owl Begins":

"My hopeful demeanor really drooped a bit when I saw Ozzie. My worst fear was that they would go all Anakin with him. DD's pastel reassurances really help quite a bit with him, but I would have liked to have seen more cloth on the guy. I LOVE the nipple addition; it tells me Snyder really understands what Moore was trying to do with his archetypes and pop culture commentary and it hearkens back to ancient armor."

Bull hockey.

Actually, that is the EXACT OPPOSITE of what Moore was trying to accomplish. Oz was to be the epitome of advancement over the primal moral degeneration of society. He was stepping away from such issues of physical appearance over solid rational and intellectual pursuit. OZ followed the prim attitudes of the pharaohs with the Greek approach to rational and logic. Hence his robe attire in the comics. This costume harks more to a Batman wow them with a physical brute force stance rather than intellect. His character was mind over body with the ability to back himself up physically only if there was the need to. He was a gymnast, he would not be burdened down with body armor. Terrible terrible way to go this direction with this costume.
If they mess this character trait up, they will have destroyed the prime storyline of the movie. When they all gather at the beginning to consider a legion type group and the comedian destroys the presentation, It was Oz's character that recognized that the the foundation of the presentation was correct. It was he who stood over the burnt remains contemplating the very issue after everyone else had looked away and given up on the idea. Every action from then on was to build up to the apogee of the story, everything else about the road that leads to that point about humanity and the ending an explanation of it all put together. He is the key character, messing with him messes with the whole concept of the story. Sorry, if this is an indication of other artistic changes, they may have taken this in a very poor direction.
Rorschach gave me goosebumps reading the original work and I got the same goosebumps when I saw the picture of him lurking there. I can't wait to hear his voice.
Ozzie's Nipples

Hi Trip,

It seems you and I agree that Adrian's is the worst costume of the lot. My post here was cut and pasted from my response in a thread at

Still, the costue doesn't bother me nearly as much as previous script drafts. I don't think we'll be seeing Adrian sporting this particular attire when he takes to the bars to raise money for famine relief or when Rorshach first visits him. I really do believe Moore was aiming at certain archetypes, and I can make peace with the suit by reminding myself that Adrians heroes, like Alexander the Great and Ramses II, were warriors who would have worn body armor at appropriate times.

It was Oz's character that recognized that the the foundation of the presentation was correct.
I don't know that he thought Nellie's presentation or foundations were correct, I think he was inspired more by Eddie's insights. (But then again, I'm not the smartest man in the world.)

I think almost all Watchmen fans have deep feelings about seeing any changes made. I do want to watch the movie, and I do want to enjoy it, so I am bracing myself by continually reminding myself that changes must be made in order to to a 12-issue graphic novel into a 2 or 3 hour movie.

I think there will be many things in the film that reveal Zach Snyder has not spent the past 20 years thinking about the nuances, the layering, the symbolism, the characters involved in the comic books. If Dave Gibbons can be happy, I guess maybe I can, too.

Still, if I were going to don a replicated Nite Owl suit for the premiere, I think I would rather wear a cowl that looks like this: