Call of Duty Origins Elemental Staffs Help

Shinobi D1

New Member
Hi all, long time reader, first time poster..

So I was hoping for my first build to try something a little more original and not seen before and thought I would give the Elemental Staffs from Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Zombies Origins a go depending on whether I can get a little help and/or feedback from all you wonderful people. So if this is something you would like to see, wicked, gimme a shout and lend a hand.

I made a quick sketch of the staff heads (please excuse the crudeness of the drawing, but that's partly why I'm here) all I had to go on is these reference pics thanks to google;

The only problem is I don't actually own a copy of the game so I have no frame of reference to put together a comprehensive technical drawing. I have never really been a fan of the COD games but I love the zombies mode and the Origins story. If there is someone who would be gracious and competent enough to tackle the Undead SS for me and take some nice high def pics of each of the staffs in their podiums and share them? Maybe straight on and from the side view would be a big help. Just so I can get a better idea of dimensions rather than the 3/4 views above.

Or if there are already such pictures out there that I have missed then please do let me know.

I just dig the kinda steampunk style the staffs are designed in, which is never a style i was interested in before and it just takes my fancy, shall we say.

Many thanks.
Hey man nice to see someone doing these, I've wanted to for a while but have been to worried about messing them up, i gonna try to do wind or fire how's yours coming along
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