c4 official pix 30 b&w exclusive ANH photos - anybody get this set?


New Member
just wondering if anybody had a chance to pick up this rare set (supposedly 30 unpublished shots) @ c4 , and if there were any cool prop related shots?

more info @ officialpix.com - check out the c4 section/convention exclusives to see what I'm talking about.....
I got it. It was my favorite "keepsake" at the convention. Only about 5 or 6 pics really excited me, but the whole set is nice.
I got it. It was my favorite "keepsake" at the convention. Only about 5 or 6 pics really excited me, but the whole set is nice.

So were they all unpublished? Or were there shots you recognized? The 5 or 6 that you liked - what were they of?
Well my fav was the shot of Vader in his TIE cockpit... I always wanted a large version of that pic. One was an excellent shot of Han in trooper armor CLEARLY showing the black dishwashing gloves used. A few other interesting pics, too. There's a handful that are similar to those I've already seen though...
All the pics in the set were picked from the LFL image archive personally by Ben Stevens (my Official Pix partner) and had never been scanned by LFL or made available before. They did sell out very quickly, but we only had half at C4. There will be 250 more split between SDCC and our Dallas show(s). We have this kind of set planned for Ep 5 and 6 as well.
Do you guys ever entertain requests for pics to offer? There are some publicity pics I've seen in print that are kinda rare, but never been offered before to the public. I'd love to submit some suggestions if you guys were open to it.
I went to CIV on Saturday and found the whole event frustrating. It seemed unorganized.

There was no program to figure out what you wanted to see and what time it was going on. You just walked around until you stumbled on something cool. The main part of the convention was the vender exhibit who had cool stuff, but all can be purchased on the internet.

I did like the art show exhibit and the archive exhibit.

Am I alone here? It looked like people were having a great time.
Hey Philip,

what about Celebration Europe ? Will the Euro-Scum be left in the dark about such a great on-site opportunity ?


All the pics in the set were picked from the LFL image archive personally by Ben Stevens (my Official Pix partner) and had never been scanned by LFL or made available before. They did sell out very quickly, but we only had half at C4. There will be 250 more split between SDCC and our Dallas show(s). We have this kind of set planned for Ep 5 and 6 as well.
I got the set also. Very nice clear crisp images of alot of the principle characters/props. I hadn't personally seen a single one of these exact images before. I have seen many pics from the same photo shoot, but not these exact images/sizes. All the vader pics in the set were incredibly cool. There were many great detail shots of props and costumes in that set. I wish they had a comparable color set to go along with it. :)

I went to CIV on Saturday and found the whole event frustrating. It seemed unorganized.

There was no program to figure out what you wanted to see and what time it was going on. You just walked around until you stumbled on something cool. The main part of the convention was the vender exhibit who had cool stuff, but all can be purchased on the internet.

I did like the art show exhibit and the archive exhibit.

Am I alone here? It looked like people were having a great time.

Maybe I should start a new thread - but my point in posting this on this thread is how did you now official pics had exclusives at their booth. Did you get lucky and stumble on this?
Official Pix announced the exclusives awhile back on starwars.com and their own website.

PS - You should have gotten a schedule with your badge with all the event details.