Bumping rules!!!


Sr Member
Hi mods what are the rules "if any" about bumping your un-noticed thread?
It seems that you are allowed to push down a possible interesting thread by bumping you DEAD and unreplied to -overpriced thread.
This must be the only forum where you are actually allowed.
One of the other forums (well known) they have a rule which is very favourable to everyone,
if you have no interest in the item you are offering , it is because is too expensive , so lower the price or let it DIE!
I think as strict as it may sound it is very fair for everybody posting something new.
I have just read a current thread in the JY which the last 9 posting is from the owner of the thread saying "BUMP" "BUMP FOR GooD LuCK" etc.
C'mon make a rule or get his guy out!!
I too have a thread and fully understand that there are that many members here that my thread will be on page 2 within an hour, BUT it is unfair that some of these threads are on top every single day with posting s only by the owner of the thread.
Any one else feels the same way?
or is it just me?
Less rules, more common sense IMO.
What's wrong with bumping ones j/y thread? I only look at the first 3 pages of the junkyard anyway.
I bump my for sale threads as often as I can
Many items drop down the list quickly because this forum is so active
They could be overlooked because people (like myself) don't wade through the Junkyard.
also, some items only get PM's as responses
does that mean the thread is dead?
I would prefer all the business happens in private
Many people like to buy that way
Less rules, more common sense IMO.
What's wrong with bumping ones j/y thread? I only look at the first 3 pages of the junkyard anyway.

You only look at the first few pages and that is a message to those that do constantly bump their items that they have to do it to get seen.
People do go overboard though bumping stuff every 3 or 4 hours.
In the end it's self perpetuating because someone gets bumped to page 2 so they bump themselves back to the top and bump someone else to page 2 and it cycles around again.

I don't think the staff will make any rules on it because they can't even keep up policing the existing rules, every time i look in the JY i see auction/make me an offer threads labeled as sales.
Non prop items not listed as non prop.
people posting items for sale from other individuals that aren't members.

All these rules are clearly listed in the JY section itself for all to see.

I can't see how staff could possibly read every thread over and over every few hours to ensure someones not breaking a bump rule.

And there's no such thing as common sense if there was then people would read the guidelines and follow them.
We wouldn't have warning may contain peanuts labels on bags of peanuts either :)
And there's no such thing as common sense if there was then people would read the guidelines and follow them.
We wouldn't have warning may contain peanuts labels on bags of peanuts either :)
Warning labels on everything has not come about because of a lack of common sense.
Warning labels are pervasive in our society because of our overly letigous nature.

I still see no problem with bumping junkyard threads within reason (common sense). :p
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first slavepilot i know you from TDH and this does not happen nor i've seen you do it.
And I totally agree , the mods can't keep up.
I find it wrong but then if you keep on bumping with no cause, well then yeah, your reputation goes down the drain, i just feel sorry for the genuine people that may miss out , both, buying nd selling.
And scarfman , like you said you only look at the first 3 pages, so I may loose out on a buyer because of someone else's bumping . Do not get me wrong , with an attitude like that , I can follow suit and start, bump, bump for the morning, evening bump. Is this what you would like to see? Sorry I disagree.
Since there is no common sense sometimes , rules are good!!!
The junkyard is a compettative place, find a way to make your posts stand out more.
Everyone has the same opportunity to bump, doesn't get more fair than that.
Warning labels on everything has not come about because of a lack of common sense.
Warning labels are pervasive in our society because of our overly letigous nature.

I still see no problem with bumping junkyard threads within reason (common sense). :p

Actually companies are required by law in some cases and to protect themselves legally in others to place such warning labels because the law does not recognise that common sense is a defense.

In the eyes of the law there's no such thing.
I don't mean to ruffle your feathers brother, I just don't see the need for another rule on a heavily moderated forum such as this.
People bump for different reasons at different times. One seller on here bumps his several times for a few weeks, then waits a month, does it again. Another seller every few hours for a few days. All depends.

Personally when I sell something I've learned that if it doesn't get attention here in three days it won't sell so I then go to eBay or iOffer. When I do post a sales here I bump it once in the morning and once at night for each group of people that read at those times, repeat that for two additional days, and then it's gone.

But like the others have all said, it's a very, very busy place and interest threads as well as discussions about some sales props can bump down "plain old sales" threads very, very fast. Several times I've seen sales threads that I'm interested in disappear to page six or seven (or further) just between a morning and night in one day! So bumping really is the only way to get something noticed.
ok so bottom line , you are allowed pretty much to bump for a reason , be for different world times or bump for the fact that your thread has ended up in page 3 within a day?
ok got that , if everyone is in agreeance with this , it must be gospel.
But you are right you know , fi it has no iinterest you are waisting your time and everyone else.

I would still want to hear a mod say something before we call it a day on this topic/thread, and just to make sure EVERYONE understand , I am not here to make enemies, I wanted to know how everyone else operates, so I can DO THE SAME.
Thank you for chipping in your thoughts and knowhow on this.
There was a rule when I joined that you CAN NOT bump your thread.

I don't know if it's still a rule but no one listened to it anyway.
