Build your own FX saber kit from MR

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You know theres somethign 10x better. You go to a site called then go to the MHS:rolleyes

Serioulsy, this stinks, 1 watt LEDsÉ No thanks!
If you really want to have somethign easily cusyomizable you might as well go with th Modular Hilt System, a bti more complicated, But definatly going to be better.

Worst part is, you cant mix the Red green and blue! I mean, if thed of done that, you coudl have lots more colore options.

Also, still no rmeovable bladeÉ:rolleyes
This one will fit nicely with my collection of FX sabers - And as a bonus maybe I can use any left over peices somtime in another saber.:thumbsup
I'm surprised no one mentioned how inaccurate the parts are

And I'm Curious as to why the only place with pics is a shop in Singapore. Could it have anything to do with the fact that Lucas Film's new office is there, and the new animation series is supposedly being made there?
I bet it will be expensive. Im not fond of the "fading blade" effects. The parts look like crap. The only turn on is the use of 3 AAA batteries make me think it wont be as fat as the otehr FX sabers. And alos, where was this when the hasbro kit came out?
Here were my 2 cents at FX-Sabers

It could have it possibilities. Will have to wait to get more specs. I figure worse case it will suck and go on close out soon after Christmas. Best case it is successful and all other FXs drop in price meaning I can scope them up and convert. I will be watching.



For those that cannot afford or find Erv's or Ultra's boards a MR convert is the next best thing. With the hilts becoming closer to graflexs and MMPs in the Vader ESB, Anakin ROTS, and the Luke ANH (if it ever gets released) converts are more common. I will keep my eyes peeled along with the fore-mentioned boards as I know quite a few are "gnawing at the bit" to get the new Ultra from Yoda. It could be a win/win depending on the MR performance or lack there of.


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Saw and update on this today that reads:

"the Force-FX Construction Set is currently on route to Radio Shack and will be available in Late September/Early October. The Kit will also be available at select Master Replicas Authorized Dealers and will have a suggested retail price of $99"
Saw and update on this today that reads:

"the Force-FX Construction Set is currently on route to Radio Shack and will be available in Late September/Early October. The Kit will also be available at select Master Replicas Authorized Dealers and will have a suggested retail price of $99"

Amazing we just heard of theses and they are going to be out this month or next. They cannot even get the second batch of Luke ANHs out. They can push these out but no Count or OB1 TPM/AOTC. Seems like MR will be going out on a whimper FX wise. But then agian I believe this is more for the kids with parents who have bigger purses and wallets.


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Amazing we just heard of theses and they are going to be out this month or next. They cannot even get the second batch of Luke ANHs out. They can push these out but no Count or OB1 TPM/AOTC. Seems like MR will be going out on a whimper FX wise. But then agian I believe this is more for the kids with parents who have bigger purses and wallets.



I guess that is the bonus side of putting out a product that is made of pieces of previously designed and manufactured products.

The parent idea is a good point - I should get this for my nephew - he would love putting his own together, like a real young Jedi should.:)
After seeing that they might be available at Radio Shack, I decided to head on over and check it out. After my disappointment over the Luke ANH, I honestly wasn't expecting much. I decided to get it.

It's a bit oversized, like the early FX sabers and the parts aren't 100% accurate, but I like it. The hilt seems extra big, even though it's only 11.5" long. Apparently this is an "optical illusion". It only seems long compared to the blade, which is just 28" in length.

That aside, the design seems perfect to customise without having to modify any of the electronic functions. I plan to fabricate a few custom parts myself, to emulate the Graflex design, and maybe some others. If enough of these are sold, maybe there's a market for someone to provide different or accuratiized replacement parts?

Oh, can anyone confirm that it's lit with just LEDs in the hilt? Call me crazy, but it looks like it has the same power up/power down function as the regular FX sabers. Either that, or the diffuser displays some weird delayed saturation effect?
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nope its a RGB led in the hilt, with no mixing ability, just one or the other colors.

only use this kit would be for, is the MR soundboard, and nothing else. not worth payin 100 bucks for IMO. i would rather spend 80 bucks to Ultra on his 2nd run boards. i have his first run, and mione works pretty darn nice.
Thanks, but I kind of figured that out later... Duh. Apparently the LED is on a fader circuit, and as it dims it projects less light into the blade giving the impression of the power up/power down of the conventional FX sabers. Too bad they didn't do that instead of the ladder LEDs in the other FX pieces that are so prone to damage. And in spite of the reportedly low powered LED, the blade doesn't seem any dimmer that the standard FX (although I don't have one to do a side-by-side comparison, so I can't be absolutely sure).

You know, I've never been a booster for MR or any of their stuff, but I really don't know why everyone seems to be down on this kit. Certainly, it has it's drawbacks, but for the $100 I figure it's well worth the investment. Especially considering the cost of the standard FX sabers, or aftermarket conversions, and then you're stuck with that ONE saber design. Apart from the fixed blade and the limited amount of colors, the kit is infinitely customisable and upgradable.

I bought and returned a Luke ESB, for a variety of reasons, but I think I'll keep this one. If anyone else decides to get one, I'd be interested in their impressions of the kit.
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well, alot of us fellow saber builders over on TCSS, will use a MR board, or do a lux convert on a FX, and the MR will then do a ramp up and down slightly of the lux led, similar to what you say it does in the kit.

but our way, the lux's are ten times brighter than the rgb led they use in that kit. the kits leds, are only 1 watt each color.

a single led lux 3 is 3 watt for one led, then you have the lux V's which some are even higher.

i still stand by what i said earlier, that the kit isnt worth the money, mainly due to its plastic parts, and low pwered led setup.

your better off just usin the board, get a lux 3, whatever color you want, and put it in a custom made hilt.
i still stand by what i said earlier, that the kit isnt worth the money, mainly due to its plastic parts, and low pwered led setup... your better off just usin the board, get a lux 3, whatever color you want, and put it in a custom made hilt.

If I'm just scavenging the kit for bits, I might agree with you, but considering the cost of the conventional FX sabers and the sheer versatility of this kit, I'd say it IS well worth the money. Obviously it's not aimed at the hardcore saber enthusiast, which you appear to be. But for the average Joe, or a someone like me who may not want to invest that much effort in pursuit of "something cool", it's a perfect fit.

I bought it, I like it, and I'll make no apologies for that. And for the Star Wars fan who may not want to devote as much time, effort, and money to satisfy their interests, I would heartily recommend this. If you like the FX sabers, but want something a little different, this is it. If not, there's plenty of other options which may well be better.
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I like mine. No its not accurate, but, I think its alot of fun. Remember fun? the whole reason we build props in the first place? That feeling you get in your chest when something just rocks. I got people who have or are interested in making Nihilus, Revan, Mara, Malak, and random Jedi interested, because they can take the knowledge they have and work on this saber. Im tempted on picking up a few more, if I can find them.
It occurs to me, if we buy enough of these, we could save MR's SW license! Okay, that's not going to happen, but if there's enough within our community, maybe it'd create a need for "aftermarket" replacement parts for further customising?

One Radio Shack I visited had one on display, and when I turned it on, the color of the blade was a bit washed out. Perhaps the LED(s) aren't bright enough or was it just the store's industrial lighting?
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I will say this much. I still dig this set, but I was over at the ultrasabers site, and frakkin a do I want one. so i like both:)