Budget Han Solo ESB from an Unexpected Source (DONE, now holster mods)


Sr Member
UPDATE: Completed photos here.

I hadn't been intending to put together a Star Wars themed costume for Halloween this year, but after I impulsively jumped on the Armorer Works DL-44 airsoft pistol, well...obviously I HAD to put together a costume to go with the blaster (and possibly encouraged by a couple of cosplaying co-workers, one of whom is just waiting for a Han Solo to put his Kylo Ren saber through. But I digress...).

I've put the majority of my budget so far into the entire gun belt rig - a Todd's Costumes holster, greeblies from Solos Hold, an Anovos Droid Caller, etc.... (and I've caught the custom blaster bug, but that's a story for another thread...), and I don't have time between now and Halloween (nor the budget) for a custom order from Magnoli. I didn't really decide to try to get it done ASAP until I found that some clothing designer at fast fashion brand ASOS must be a Star Wars fan. Enter the ASOS Harrington Jacket With Four Pocket Detail In Navy, which is oddly familiar. ESB is my favorite costume too, so despite the fact that the blaster is an ANH model....

With a 50% off sale and free shipping, it was quickly in-hand in a couple of sizes.


Obviously, it's not going to make an accurate jacket, but it's more than close enough for an office costume party (even one at my nerdier-than-average employer). What needs to change? The zipper is the first thing that has to go. And the jacket is a little long...but it's actually nearly perfect in length without the ribbed, knitted waistband. The extended flap on the collar can be trimmed back. Unfortunately, if I remove the snaps from the other side they'll leave holes behind, so I'll probably just have to live with that.

There's no back pocket and no back yoke -- I briefly considered cannibalizing the one that didn't fit to construct a pocket and yoke from, but (a) I hate to ruin a perfectly good jacket for a small percentage of its raw material, and (b) when I have more time I'm going to sew up a more accurate jacket from the Dawn pattern anyway, so why bother? Although, with a fabric store a block from the office....if I can find a match..... sigh.

So...on to removing the zipper. I'm going to document all the alterations because why not?


Seam rippers are a sewer's best friend - they erase your mistakes - but one slip and they can also ruin everything. In my earlier sewing days I trashed a lot of hours of hard work with a moment's carelessness with a seam ripper. Taking apart mass-produced products can be a painstaking business, as they're not generally made to be altered. Start by picking out the top stitching carefully, until there's room to get into the seam. Resist the temptation to try to rip a long segment at once.


A few minutes careful picking of stitches in ones and threes got one side of the zipper completely removed. I also marked off where to shorten the extended collar flap with some chalk. I didn't take any photos of removing the zipper from the other side because, well...it's exactly the same process, just on the other side.


There, that looks better already!

Tomorrow I'll remove the knitted waistband. It's a little more difficult, as it's first attached inside-out, and then top-stitched as well. Once that's done, removing the knitted cuffs should also be easy.

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Re: Budget Han Solo ESB from an Unexpected Source

Well, I managed to find a cotton canvas that's a similar weight and a near perfect color match. It's a plain weave, not a twill, but close enough. So I'll be adding the back and sleeve pocket details as well.
Re: Budget Han Solo ESB from an Unexpected Source

Great find on the jacket, I had an awful time trying to find an acceptably close match for my own ESB Han attempt last year! I thought you might be interested in an idea I had for the ESB shirt, it only took me an hour to put together & worked out great for Halloween, much better than just any old white shirt or a polo!

Re: Budget Han Solo ESB from an Unexpected Source

Great find on the jacket, I had an awful time trying to find an acceptably close match for my own ESB Han attempt last year! I thought you might be interested in an idea I had for the ESB shirt, it only took me an hour to put together & worked out great for Halloween, much better than just any old white shirt or a polo!


I bookmarked your shirt thread yesterday :D
Re: Budget Han Solo ESB from an Unexpected Source

The Deconstructinating, Part 2


After finishing removal of the zippers yesterday, today I continued removing the unwanted bits, starting with the waistband. More surgically applied destruction at the hands of my heavy-duty seam ripper, and before long the waistband is gone. It also had two pieces of the shell fabric, which I've saved for possible re-use in adding details.

With the zipper and waistband removed, that process has also detached the lining from the shell all along the bottom edge and front faces of the jacket. This makes it a simple matter to pull the sleeves inside out to remove the knit cuffs.


So here's the jacket with the extraneous bits removed, entrails sitting in a pile next to it. Brand label - gone. Sorry ASOS - you didn't make the cut as a Corellian manufacturing sub-contractor. Care label - gone.


And finally, the two scraps of shell fabric from the waistband, alongside the cotton duck I picked up today to make the back pocket out of. The scraps are nearly big enough to make the sleeve pocket out of, but not *quite*. I'm very tempted to go a re-interpretive route and fashion them into a few sleeves to hold code cylinders, though. A pair of Rebel X-wing pilot style code cylinders might look pretty good on the sleeve. Crazy, or no?


Tomorrow I'll be constructing the back pocket, and then this weekend I may further deconstruct the sleeves a bit in order to add the decorative top-stitching that runs around them. Or maybe I'll do it the other way 'round. Or something entirely different.

More to come!
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Re: Budget Han Solo ESB from an Unexpected Source

I bookmarked your shirt thread yesterday :D

Ha nice, I'm glad someone found it useful! Another solution I came up with was for the blood stripes on the pants if you're wondering how to work that part out too.

I know people usually sew on pre-made strips with the stripes, which is ideal if A. You have a sewing machine & B. your pants match the colour of the stripes background. I didn't qualify for either so I used 1mm yellow craft foam, cut into blocks of about 1cmx2.5cm (I think, it's worth checking what looks right to you), then glued down the outside seam of the pants using the seam as a centre line. I used one of the blocks to space out the next piece. It took a little while because I wanted to keep everything nice & lined up but the result was good & again cost was next to nothing.

I found a photo of me lining things up to give you an idea of what I mean. They look a bit wonky here as I was just trying to work out how many more I'd need for the other leg;

Screen Shot 2016-10-14 at 16.00.29.png

Good luck with the rest of the build!
Re: Budget Han Solo ESB from an Unexpected Source

Figuring out the pocket placement and sizing.


Cutting the pocket and flap. Just a plain old hardware store L-square is a great tool when your pattern pieces are just rectangles :). Some of you might like these 13" Italian-made shears that I got from a limited run at another forum for obsessive types.


When I looked at the finished pocket in the light of day this morning, I realized a few things were off, so you don't get pictures of the back pocket yet, as I'm remaking it. Instead, here's some of the sleeves - added an improvised sleeve pocket, and some of the decorative stitching. After a couple of tries, I decided on single rows, as I don't have a double-needle for making nice parallel rows of stitching (and my home sewing machine doesn't track nearly as straight as my too-heavy-for-this-job upholstery class Juki does).


But here we have basting the lining back to the sleeve, to make sure I've got the alignment right before machine stitching it back together.


Yup, looks right.


Sleeve pocket (non-accurate, obviously, but better looking than leaving it empty, imo).

Re: Budget Han Solo ESB from an Unexpected Source


Remade back pocket. Much cleaner. I keep asking the cats to please reconsider this whole shedding business, but they never listen to me. So I buy lint rollers by the case.
Re: Budget Han Solo ESB from an Unexpected Source

Wicked cool find!! I'm loving this, I wish I hand sewing skills like yourself. This is coming along great, right away I went to that link, no size XL for me :( hopefully they restock. Keep up the great work, I'm hooked!
Re: Budget Han Solo ESB from an Unexpected Source

THAT is gonna be a pretty GREAT lookin' jacket :):thumbsup
REALLY enjoying this thread and watching how this develops! Great work so far, monsterpartyhat!
Re: Budget Han Solo ESB from an Unexpected Source

Thanks! I'm having fun :)

I actually ordered another one in the olive green color, too. That one I'm going to completely deconstruct to trace a pattern out of, since this jacket fits me pretty well (and will fit even better with a few minor tweaks if I can re-make it from scratch). I didn't want to take the sleeves off of this one, because I'm not 100% certain I'd be able to put them back together cleanly. The seam allowances are pretty slim in places, and once I opened up the seams it started to fray quite easily.

Anyway, the jacket's nearly done - I just have to rework the extended collar and reattach the lining along the waistband.

I'd actually be done already if not for the fact that I completely re-did the decorative stitching on the sleeves as well. I noticed a loose screw causing some wobble in the presser foot, which accounted for the poor quality of those stitches. So I spent a couple more hours with my seam ripper than expected. Tedious! But it looks much better now.
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Re: Budget Han Solo ESB from an Unexpected Source

I snagged one. I'll just remove the zipper and leave elastic and leave it. More of an homage to the jacket rather than an
actual costume pice. I'm 6' 04" and red headed. I'm thinking Han cosplay is not really in my cards. LOL
Re: Budget Han Solo ESB from an Unexpected Source

Excellent find! I'm not going to cosplay or anything, I just think it's cool to have something similar to actual use everyday!
Re: Budget Han Solo ESB from an Unexpected Source

The jacket's finished (or, 99% finished - there's a bit more topstitching I could add, and probably will). To recap, here's the modifications I made to the base Asos jacket:

* Removed the zipper
* Removed the knit waistband and cuffs
* Added a back pocket
* Added a simple sleeve pocket, re-using fabric from the waistband
* Added the decorative stitching on the sleeves, with the exception of the stitching at shoulder level (as that would have necessitated complete removal of the sleeves)
* Reshaped the extended left collar tip to match



next up - the shirt! I scored a $9 white dress shirt at Goodwill today that should make a perfect base for a quick conversion. Then paaaaaaaaaaaaaaants.
Re: Budget Han Solo ESB from an Unexpected Source

I snagged one. I'll just remove the zipper and leave elastic and leave it. More of an homage to the jacket rather than an
actual costume pice. I'm 6' 04" and red headed. I'm thinking Han cosplay is not really in my cards. LOL

what size did you order? i am roughly 6'2" and usually wear XL but the site shows sold out for XL on my end
Re: Budget Han Solo ESB from an Unexpected Source

Great find! Man, I wish I had known about this jacket a couple weeks ago. I spent a few days searching and couldn't find anything that fit the bill, so I'm just wrapping up a week of sewing the Dawn Anderson jacket now. This sure would have been easier!