BSG Starbuck Costume Parts ID Help


Master Member
I'm in the beginning phases of making my wife a Starbuck BDU/Off Duty costume and have started researching some of the BSG forums. I've got all the info I need to make the BDU Pants, jacket, tank top and racer back. But I had a question about the gun belt shown here. Has anyone or can anyone identify it? Also in regards to the holster, anyone know which one it is? I'm getting a couple of FN casts. And most illusive to me, and this may have already been cleared up somewhere and I'm just a noob that hasn't found the thread yet, but what is that thing she has on the front right side of her belt? The pouch looks off the shelf and looks to be designed for whatever that thing is.

Anybody know?





And finally, the buckle on this belt. Is this standard for this belt or is it from something else?

earthly toothpaste, cigarettes, inches for measure, bullets, little faces on cylon Raiders,4-port USB hubs...

Yikes, Bring back the original BSG...
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Now are those USB 1.0, 1.1, or 2.0? That makes a big difference when you need to charge up your blaster using a USB port!:lol:lol:lol
Check the colonial fleet, they have all the inof you need, you can get the holster for the FN from, thats where I got mine, the belts are custom and the buckle is a skydiving buckle, have t put all the parts together, the pouches are custom, but if you search ebay for bianchi pouches you can find very similar ones and make the correct alterations.
O yea, and the SAKAR 4 Port USB Hub is the correct hub, you can find them on ebay for about $6, and just pop em' apart and paint the front black. Hope that helps
yup, pretty much everything has been found on this. The belt was actually custom made by the same manufacturer of the custom pouches. Your best bet is just to get a police belt, same exact look, but the insides gutted to fit inside the cobra buckle.
Look up Duster on the TCF and he can make you an excellent belt and provide you wiht the proper buckle. Its a parachute buckle that costs about $30. For the holster, The Vest Guy makes a nice holster that works well enough (I have one for my S2 blaster). Like GM said the pouches are going to be your hardest thing to come by, those were custom made for the show and us. I belive there were 60 sets made for us and they pop up every now and then but will cost $200+. All said and done, a complete belt with holster pouches and blaster will run $400-$500.
Thanks for all the reply's guys! That really helps. I'll keep digging around and learn a bit more about this. One more question. All the threads I've seen about the tank tops and muscle shirts are pretty old. I'm just wondering what the latest is on these. Are these being offered by anyone? Are there suitable off the shelf modifiable shirts? or perhaps a pattern?
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Couldn't see much on the Colonial Fleet as they're closed for registration right now.

Couldn't find a Sakar USB hub, but I did find another brand that looks identical to it, down to the curved side overlay panel and the 9 grooves. It's just a different color panel so I'll have to paint it black.
If you head over to Dewback Wing ASAP's NuBsg section 99% of this is covered. The T's are also offered there, although remaining sizes are limited.

There are a couple variations of the hub actually. I think we found that some scenes have a grey panel, a blue panel, or a black panel.

The belt we used is a Bianchi duty belt. It is not the exact belt, it lacks the center stitch, but it is so damn close and less than $30. Gutting it to fit the Cobra buckle will be a *****, just to warn you. Keep in mind you only need to gut one side.

The pouches are custom from a place in Canada that does law enforcement. They won't do a one off for you though, many have tried. You might get lucky. Here's the link to their catalog.
And I believe the item numbers you need:
ND204-10 X 2

They aren't cheap. The estimate of $400-$500 to complete the belt is pretty close if you want to get the real deal.
Okay, so I couldn't find a Sakar USB Hub, but I did come across this. It's from GE, but appears to be from the same molds as the Sakar. It's blue on the top panel instead of black, so I slapped a coat of spray paint on it. Looks identical to me. Not bad for 10 cents on eBay.


End result is this.

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If you want to be accurate to Starbuck and the costumes of Battlestar Galactica (not to be confused with the Sci-Fi channel cartoon of the same name) Here are some reference pictures of Starbuck and Colonial fleet uniforms:
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