BSG New series Off Duty costume Q's


Sr Member
Ok so like so many before me I plan to make one of the BSG off duty costumes. (the one with the tank tops) But I have a couple of questions that I couldn't find answers to.

1. Over their tank tops some of the crew members wear a green jacket with suede patches on the shoulders and weird pull straps on the fton pockets. Anyone know what this is? Was it custom made? Just a modified OD Green BDU shirt?

2. What kind of boots are worn with this costume?

Any help here would be great!
The boots are Law Pro tactical boots. All of the military personel on the show wear them (except for Adama and Tigh, who have different boots all together).

The green BDU's are regular military issue BDUs, with the straps and clips added to the front pockets, and the cuffs.

The Dewback wing forum has lots of great information on the new BSG uniforms.
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Quick link to a guide done by me. No pictures currently of my fatigues, but as far as I know I'm the only costumer to actually bother with modifying the cuffs in the first season canon fashion.

Feel free to hit me up if you have any questions.
Thanks for the links guys.

I also just bought the tanks from Got Maul and one of his patches. I just need to find someone to modifiy the BDU jacket for me as I can't do it my self.