Broken statue part


Well-Known Member
Hey, I have the Gentle Giant mini busts of two Jawas, as pictured:


The one with a gun came with two sets of hands holding a different gun. one set of mine broke, here's another picture.


They're small, so can anyone reccomend how to fix it? I don't know how well glue would do
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I guess it's polystone resin or something.

I broke one of these busts sometime ago and it was white and brittle beneath the paint.
I would use JB Weld Kwick applied with a toothpick. Once it hardens, it takes on the appearance of resin, can be sanded and painted.

Note: JB Weld Kwick sets in about 5 minutes but is still malleable during the fast cure process so you can smooth/trim it around the parts being glued together. It's also a dark grayish black in color.

It can be a challenge to use it in this way but once you get the process down, you can use it on all kinds of stuff.
If it was a jagged-edged break and it is indeed a porous material (like polystone resin), all you need is a dab of Crazy Glue on each facet of the break.

I prefer Gorilla Glue's version of crazy glue for this type of application.

I like to drill a small hole in each piece, then glue in a metal rod (pin or nail, depending on part size) and then use a glue. Sometimes I've had better luck with a 5 minute epoxy if the material is a cold cast marble.
SUperglue... the slow setting kind that is a bit "thick". I have found that the porus nature of ceramic "sucks" the superglue in. The "thick" stuff doesn't get sucked in... but takes a little longer to set. A pin is not a bad idea but its probably too small to get to work out well.

Jedi Dade
I used loctite super glue on my Sand trooper's hand. A little drop will do the trick. I then brushed a small amount of citadel paints (roll playing miniature paints) over the crack.

I've used citadel paints to fix a small paint defect on my Greedo bust. These paints match the original painted surface very well.

Hope this helps.