Bridge crew photo of USS Ericon


Sr Member

Is the bridge set they had there smaller than the one on the show? It looks big in person but in the photo the bridge seemed pretty small.

Took it during the 40th ST convention, which is my first ST convention (and probably my last). Had great fun there, took the rides 3 days in a row (with one ticket purchase during the convention).

I once had a website called USS Ericon (hence my login), although it was shut down years ago.

nice pic

the bridge there is the same size as the one in the show, they just made it look bigger with the camera lenses :D

<div class='quotetop'>(kevinericon @ Aug 27 2006, 05:38 PM) [snapback]1308116[/snapback]</div>

Is the bridge set they had there smaller than the one on the show? It looks big in person but in the photo the bridge seemed pretty small.

Took it during the 40th ST convention, which is my first ST convention (and probably my last). Had great fun there, took the rides 3 days in a row (with one ticket purchase during the convention).

I once had a website called USS Ericon (hence my login), although it was shut down years ago.

Thanks guys. I said my last convention because it's too hard for me to plan a long trip like this, not that it wasn't fun. Actually it was great, meeting the cast, getting autographs. The best thing happened to me besides this photo is my chat with Mike Okuda, who is a very nice and friendly person. I even had him signed on a prop I brought as part of my medical officer outfit. (Oh yeah, you can see that thing in the picture as well, my temporary chief of medical is carrying it. :love )
You know Kev, we asians are smaller than other people - but what the hell are these uniforms? Warp10's? or.... see my sig...*blargh*
Got them made by a local tailor, it's not film accurate but it's pretty good for the price ($100). And no, I can't stand wearing Rubies either. :confused

It does "rides up" if you are not careful (Picard maneuver required) :lol
The bridge in your pic looks flatter than the one on the show. Apparently the "Experience" bridge set does not have the ramps down the sides of the bridge set, thus the command chairs are not sunken down like on the show. I have always wanted to get plans of the bridge, including elevations to do an accurate 3d rendering. All I have been able to find are floor plans and a few iso views. Were you able to get any other photos while you were there?
According to DarthJRW the bridge is the same as the one in the show, but I've noticed a few inaccuracies. While I was on the bridge I didn't notice anything, I only think it looks small looking at the pic I took. So I don't quite know what you are talking about, 8 perf. :confused

Here's some photos on the web including the bridge in Generations which they modified to look bigger (or it's actually bigger).
Ex Astris Scientia bridge photos

Hey what are you using to build the 3D model, can I have the file when you built it? :love
In the "Generations" phot from the link above, you can see a raised platfrom with 2 steps that the 3 command chairs are sitting on. In the original "E" from TNF, that platform was not there, giving the 3 chairs a lower stance and "sinking" them lower to the floor of the raised platform where Worf stands. You can also see in that same picture the sloping ramps on wither side of the command chairs. The slope does not look nearly as dramatic in the still phot as it does on-scren. Thye must do some wierd camera trick to make it look as steep as it did. Oh well.

As for the 3d model, I have not really decide what to do it in. I have played around with Sketch-up, and It will do enough to satisfy my needs, by I have a friedn that says he can do it in Lightwave if I get enough of the dimensions and views to go from. As for giving it out, sure, why not? Gotta get it done though. Can't give away what I don't have. :)
Well the Experiance looks close, very close but it looks off to me.

I can't say for sure though as I have never been to the Experiance's Bridge but I have been to the Bridge Set.
Anybody have any info on who at "The Experience" I might contact about getting construction info? I have written to Paramount a number of times with absolutly NO response, positive or negative.
I'm straying out of the costume topic here, so if I need to move, sombody just tell me. :)
8 perf, yeah you're right. The bridge they have there is not elevated enough, the platform where Worf stands should be higher. (Harder to take a shot though)

apollo, I can name a few, the ramp should not have black seams in it. And there should be a place to sit next to the console/lamp (where Crusher usually sits). And all those movable parts in the show is fixed on this set.

I'm not completely satisfied with my photo so I took this weekend and toyed with it a bit using photoshop... :D

from the photos,

even the chairs, look a little off,
I thought the backs were higher,

the following lego image seems like a fun perspective to add:)


ps, very cool bridge group and group photo