Breaking down a MR Fett Blaster

Boba Debt

Master Member
I would like to make some improvements to my Fett Blaster but I don't want to damage anything in the process.

It would be good to know how to break this replica down to it's individual parts.

I started by trying to remove the metal bracket from the grip by turning the screw but it didn't seem to want to move so I stopped.


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Thanks to David, I finally got my hands on a MR Fett blaster to convert...THANKS AGAIN DAVID!!!!

I already took it apart as far as I could and filled the holes in the shoulder stock. I also started to sand down the old paintjob.

Is there any chance to remove the barrel from the main gun?
Looking inside the barrel, there seem to be 4 brass lugs holding it to the gun, but I can´t make out a screw that I´d have to loose.

What about the t-track...removable, if so any advice how NOT to destroy the plastic strips?

Hey Markus. Just wondering how this project went. Would love to know what you changed.

Also, I have an one of these blasters. But the barrel is slightly askew. It seems to be rotated a bit and when you look at it from the top, you can see the scope is crooked.