Breakaway/Sugar Bottles

Dark Radiance

New Member
Hello all (hopefully this is in the right spot)
I'm new to the "modeling" world and I've just been asked if I would be able to make some breakaway or sugar bottles (like those used in a bar fight scene) for short production. I've been looking all over the net and I can't find any "easy" directions on how to make the molds or someplace that sells the molds already done. Since I don't have all that much experience, I thought that starting with sugar glass wouldn't be that bad.

Could I get some direction in how to proceed? They would like them about the size of a wine/sparkling cider bottle.

Dittos on the Smooth-On link. Best way to do it.

I once found breakaway bottles ready-made for sale, but they were upwards of $40 each once shipping was figured in. Prop warehouses stock them.

I did have some success making a simple sandwich mold with the mouth-of--the-bottle-area open, then rotocasting the sugar glass in it... but you're kiding yourself if you think sugar glass is easy to work with. It's very finicky as far as temperature when you boil it: too hot and it turns brown and brittle. Too cool and it stays sticky. Gets everywhere and is hard to clean up. Plus you have to store it in dark, dry, cool (but not cold--condensation is bad!) places so that it doesn't go all melty on you.

If you have the budget, definitely go with the smooth-on option. :)
Someone posted a link to a theatrical supply company that made vacuum form wall panels.

This company also offered break-awy bottles for use on stage.
Thanks for the info. Like I said, I'm new to this world and I'm trying to learn what I can. Guess I was using the wrong search terms.

Just on a side note, has anyone used the SMASH! Plastic stuff before? How easy is it to work with?