Brass Infinity Gauntlet

Here are some shots of the wiring. Nothing really special, just the best arrangement given the voltages of the various colors.


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Well it's been a marathon of building between last night and today, but I definitely have some to show for it! Now all that's left is installing a switch

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Got to go back to the shop for the weekend and made this new copper "tree". Also I found as many of my used templates as possible and am hoping to get those redrawn soon.

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Hoping to do a small run of these over the summer on a first come first serve basis. Planning on starting with 4 or 5, but if those are done quickly I may do more. If anyone is seriously interested p.m. me and we can talk some business

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
Hoping to do a small run of these over the summer on a first come first serve basis. Planning on starting with 4 or 5, but if those are done quickly I may do more. If anyone is seriously interested p.m. me and we can talk some business

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

Put me down as interested
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