Boba Fett gun in vintage Dr Who?


Sr Member
Greetings Gents,
Knowing this place this is old news but I did a search to see if the topic had been posted any time recently and didn't come up with anything.
Been on a vintage "Who" kick lately (seems like a lot of us have, must be the high bombardment of positive ions). I was watching "Revenge of the Cybermen" this morning and was looking at the guns used by the Vogans in episodes 2 and 3. One type looks just like a Webley flare pistol while the other looks like an original design based on the Webley barrel. Kind of like a carbine and rifle version of the same gun.
Problem is, of course, you don't get a really good view of the "carbine" version (which seems to be carried by the squad leaders while the troops carry the rifle) to confirm or deny this. I don't have any way of getting screen caps from my VCR at the moment--sorry about that.
So "Who" else has noticed this weapon??


Dave C
Thanks for the screen-grab Max. It looked to me like there were at least three or four of the Webleys in use.

Dave C
I found a "2001 a space odyssey" spacesuit chestpack in the Jagaroth spaceship in "City of Death". :D


It shows up in "Blakes 7" as well as I remember...

- k