Blue Thunder Helicopter - Definitive Picture Reference...


Sr Member
Having marvelled at the small sampling first shown on Blue Thunder Online I relentlessly pursued Gary Mason, son of Thomas Mason (who supplied the Original pair of Gazelles to the production) he has now uploaded the entirety of his set photographs for all to enjoy. IMHO it represents the best reference for the prop to date...

Welcome to Flickr!

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Re: Blue Thunder Helicopter - all new reference!

Thanks for the link. One of my favorite movies. The people in LA (downtown) were amazed at the airshow they saw as they were filming. Sometimes three helos chasing each other through downtown LA (Blue Thunder, MD, and film crew chopper).

Can't tell, but does the other Blue Thunder have # 2 or # 1? There was always the sequel rumor that # 1 (Scheider flew # 2) was intact and would be the impetus for a Blue Thunder Two.
Re: Blue Thunder Helicopter - all new reference!

Let's play "Follow my Leader"

That is awesome!

Re: Blue Thunder Helicopter - all new reference!

Those are some great reference shots:).
Just need the skills to build one now. :unsure
Re: Blue Thunder Helicopter - all new reference!

I love that design. I can think of four other appearances of Blue Thunder.

A tv miniseries about Russia invading the U.S. ("Amerika"?). I didn't watch it after I read that the writer didn't want to show the Soviet Union in a bad light! :confused He wanted to show a kinder, gentler invasion I guess. :lol The pilot of "MacGyver". A Wang computer commercial. In the new "Doctor Who", stock footage which showed it from the bottom as it lands.

Re: Blue Thunder Helicopter - all new reference!

I always loved Airwolf and Blue Thunder. The 80's certainly gave us a lot of cool craft to marvel at....

I think I had a model of Blue Thunder, as a kid. It was always one of my favorite models in the collection.

Re: Blue Thunder Helicopter - all new reference!

I love that design. I can think of four other appearances of Blue Thunder.

A tv miniseries about Russia invading the U.S. ("Amerika"?). I didn't watch it after I read that the writer didn't want to show the Soviet Union in a bad light! :confused He wanted to show a kinder, gentler invasion I guess. :lol The pilot of "MacGyver". A Wang computer commercial. In the new "Doctor Who", stock footage which showed it from the bottom as it lands.


It had a quick guest shot in "Firefox" as well- it stood in for the MI-24 Hind A in the closeup where the Russians buzz the ice floe where the sub guys have their weather station set up. :)

Re: Blue Thunder Helicopter - all new reference!

I had a chance to fly the RC miniatures once, and although I did have some RC flying experience, I chickened out. Didn't want to wreck that beauty.
Re: Blue Thunder Helicopter - all new reference!

Very cool, thanks for the linkage! I could have used that reference when I built my model. Never too late to strip paint, I guess. :lol
Re: Blue Thunder Helicopter - all new reference!

This is the movie that made me want to learn to fly a helicopter. Sadly, that is still an unrealized goal.
Re: Blue Thunder Helicopter - all new reference!

Thanks for the link. One of my favorite movies. The people in LA (downtown) were amazed at the airshow they saw as they were filming. Sometimes three helos chasing each other through downtown LA (Blue Thunder, MD, and film crew chopper).

Can't tell, but does the other Blue Thunder have # 2 or # 1? There was always the sequel rumor that # 1 (Scheider flew # 2) was intact and would be the impetus for a Blue Thunder Two.

Easily my favourite movie too.
There were four 1:1 mockups built - they were all #02 but an earlier version of the script implied there was a fleet of them built and being tested in other cities at the same time.

The pictures on the site are of the primary or 'hero' helicopter - the other is the backup with dual controls that Scheider 'flew'. The third was the tail-less dummy for the interior/close up shots that rested on the grounds of MGM's Backlot tour until recently where it was tragically scrapped;


The fourth was the wooden dummy rigged to explode when struck by the freight train at the end of the picture....
Re: Blue Thunder Helicopter - all new reference!

The third was the tail-less dummy for the interior/close up shots that rested on the grounds of MGM's Backlot tour until recently where it was tragically scrapped;


The mock up was trashed!?! I wanted to purchase that from MGM about 6 or 7 years ago, sadly no one there was interested in speaking with me about it. After several attempts to reach someone that would take me seriously or return a phone call I gave up. Too bad someone else couldn't have saved it from the wrecking ball.
Re: Blue Thunder Helicopter - all new reference!

I loved this corny movie back in the day! Goodluck!
Re: Blue Thunder Helicopter - all new reference!

Man, I haven't seen "Blue Thunder" in ages! But I do remember that helicopter. :D
Re: Blue Thunder Helicopter - all new reference!

I remember the movie and the TV series fondly. i had a couple of the toys...very cool stuff.